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Moses Remembered

James Steven Beverly

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Since I heard about Charlton Heston's passing, I've been remembering some of the amazing moments he brought into my life. I'll never forget the first time I saw Planet of the Apes and heard "Get your stinking paws off of me you Damn dirty ape!" and his brilliant performance in Ben Hur, one of my favorite things he did was actually his appearances on Saturday Night Live and the dumb Bud Light commercials he used to do. I'll never forget Soylent Green or The Omega Man Not to mention the plethora of better, more prestigious films he made in his long and distinguished career, but because I saw these as a kid and they stuck with me, that's how I'll always remember Chuck Heston, the quintessential square jawed hero, the guy who could go through anything, the very definition of a movie star. Mr. Heston lead a long and full life and as with all life, in the end, had to fade, hopefully gently, into that good night but I feel the world is now a little less magical with his passing and He will be missed, at least by me. :)

Edited by James Steven Beverly
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He also marched with King back when it WASN'T fashionable and was a soldier during the second world war. He was a man of conviction and seeming contradictions, a complicated man of the old school. But Hell, what man of any worth isn't, whatever the old school maybe? For me, it's the ideals of the 60s, I consider myself a liberal but III especially believe in the right of the people to bare arms.....I'm just not so vocal about it....not so vocal that is until they decide to come and try and take MY guns away! Most people in the West believe in the right to own guns with out government interference, like I said in other posts, it's no big deal to own a gun but is essential we have the RIGHT to own a gun. I firmly believe is a damn GOOD idea for the people of a democracy to have the means to defend that democracy against the tyranny of those in power who would seek to take their freedom. See it's not some scumbag robbing a 7-11 that worries me, it's guys like McCarthy and Nixon, that I'm concerned about! But politics aside, there is no denying Charlton Heston's contribution to the art of film. Charlton Heston was a GREAT actor who created some of the most iconic characters ever put on celluloid and he damn well deserves respect for that, even from you. <_<

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Yes Steven he was a great actor and contributed much to cinema, no question about that.


Now, praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!! Hey, is it true that you use your six shooters in Texas to open your beer cans?



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Most people in the West believe in the right to own guns with out government interference,

I hope you're talking about the American West, not the Western World, because us Europeans do consider you Americans pretty retarded for sticking with your silly gun laws despite ample evidence that you'd be much safer if you did not hand out guns like candy.

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I hope you're talking about the American West, not the Western World, because us Europeans do consider you Americans pretty retarded for sticking with your silly gun laws despite ample evidence that you'd be much safer if you did not hand out guns like candy.


Ooooooooooo Maxy you could lose your right to visit the USA for that!!


Yes the Americans love their guns. I'm particularly intrigued by the states that have passed laws allowing college students to pack heat on campus. Some students have taken up the practice and consider it to be quite "normal." The odd thing is that they don't seem to find it strange that they attend school in a country where people thought such a law was even needed.


Oh well to each their own....we club seals here in Canada and you can get seal meat burgers at Mc Donald's in Canada, I'm sure some people find that strange.


Now back to Mr. Heston, yes we loved his acting, I especially liked...."you bastards you finally did it, you bastards!" Apparently this was his reaction upon hearing that the contractor had put the wrong colour shingles on his house.



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Yes Steven he was a great actor and contributed much to cinema, no question about that.


Now, praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!! Hey, is it true that you use your six shooters in Texas to open your beer cans?



Only if we are REALLY wasted! :D Actually blowing off the top of a beer can causes it to spray, which is a waste of good beer and in Texas that's a felony! Hell, it might even get ya lynched! B)

Edited by James Steven Beverly
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Now back to Mr. Heston, yes we loved his acting, I especially liked...."you bastards you finally did it, you bastards!"



If you're going to quote the great Charlton Heston at least get it RIGHT!-"You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!"- which actually had NOTHING to do with the shingle incident, it is what he said to his chef during that small kitchen fiasco after the 1958 Oscars....I think they later used the quote in some movie, can't remember which one. :P

Edited by James Steven Beverly
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And we may BE retarded but since we all carry guns, who's gonna tell us that to our face?!! B)


A very valid point indeed. Although Max lives in the richest country in the world so maybe that gives him special powers or some thing?


We take great pride in Canada that the only NATO country we out spend on the military is Luxembourg.



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We take great pride in Canada that the only NATO country we out spend on the military is Luxembourg.

Yeah well apparently our military bought an Airbus and the joke is that the whole army fits in there.


I need two tanks for my next film, but I don't think they have any. Instead they do own half of a military vessel (the Belgians own the other half), despite the fact that Luxembourg does not even touch the sea...


Now don't you dare laugh, or you will feel Luxembourg's military wrath!

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I hope you're talking about the American West, not the Western World, because us Europeans do consider you Americans pretty retarded for sticking with your silly gun laws despite ample evidence that you'd be much safer if you did not hand out guns like candy.


I don't want to start a big stupid argument, but I have never seen ample evidence that would make me believe laws controlling or banning firearms to be a good idea. After all, logic dictates that someone who wants to commit a crime with a firearm probably won't pay much attention the laws anyway.

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I don't want to start a big stupid argument, but I have never seen ample evidence that would make me believe laws controlling or banning firearms to be a good idea. After all, logic dictates that someone who wants to commit a crime with a firearm probably won't pay much attention the laws anyway.


Yes you would start a "big stupid argument" because on this issue Americans are alone in the industrialized world. Europeans and Canadians will simply never understand America's love affair with the firearm.



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Yes you would start a "big stupid argument" because on this issue Americans are alone in the industrialized world. Europeans and Canadians will simply never understand America's love affair with the firearm.




I wouldn't call it a love affair, in general. I don't think most shooters are that nutty, though there are a few. I just value my hobbies (target shooting and hunting being two of them) and my right to defend myself if it is ever necessary.


I'll stop now, lest I start that argument. That's a little off-topic for even the off-topic forum. ;)

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I'm not one for politics, I only add this because it has direct impact on my philosophy of cinema...


My viewpoint makes quick work of the issue: I don't care one way or the other about gun control. Deny everyone even a bb gun, or arm everyone to the teeth, I don't see how it affects me one way or the other. and that's having seen kids shot, having friends who've been shot, been stabbed, been robbed at gunpoint, friends who've shot people, stabbed people...


thus my sympathy with Andrei Rublev...of whom it is said,

“This was the theme of Andrei Rublev. It looks at first sight as if the cruel truth of life as he observes it is in crying contradiction with the harmonious ideal of his work. The crux of the question, however, is that the artist cannot express the moral ideal of his time unless he touches all its running sores, unless he suffers and lives these sores himself. That is how art triumphs over grim, ‘base’ truth, clearly recognizing it for what it is.”

Not that I have any pretensions toward creating cinema as great as Tarkovsky's, but if there's one philosophy I'm branching out of, it's his.


Almost didn't post this, but I flipped a coin and it came up heads, so, there ya go.

Edited by David Sweetman
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Yes you would start a "big stupid argument" because on this issue Americans are alone in the industrialized world. Europeans and Canadians will simply never understand America's love affair with the firearm.




There's a LOT of things Europeans and Canadians will simply never understand about Americans. It probably suffices to say personal freedom is the single greatest ideal we have. Many Americans have died to defend that freedom and pretty much every one of us would stand up, ready to die, to defend it right now. I don't think Europeans, Canadians, Asians, South Americans or anyone else can really understand just how important that is to us and that's why they'll never understand who we truly are or why we do the things we do. At first I was gonna say, this is off topic when talking about Charlton Heston but it's not, it's what he was all about in his films and as a man. B)


Oh and one other thing, we are not alone in having a nation with violence and murder just because can own guns, Europeans and by extension Canadians were killing each other LONG before America even existed. You've been killing each other for centuries and you'll be killing each other for centuries to come. If anything WE'VE probably SAVED a lot of European and Canadian lives by just making it TOO efficient to kill your fellow man with the invention of the atomic bomb which made those BIG wars you guys use to get into pretty much ALL the time, impractical so you should thank us for for forcing you to talk rather than blow the Hell out of each other. ;)

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I hope you're talking about the American West, not the Western World, because us Europeans do consider you Americans pretty retarded for sticking with your silly gun laws despite ample evidence that you'd be much safer if you did not hand out guns like candy.


Take it easy Max. There are plenty of retarded Americans who do realize that guns and their easy availability are causing havoc all over the county.


In the 1700's the framers of our Constitution saw the need for everyone to be able to have guns since in 1776 our population was about two million. But that was before we had an organized army and police forces. The threat was a very experienced and manned British Army and Navy.


But now with a population about 300 million, the number of idiots who could potentially use guns for nefarious reasons are much higher. I live in New York City where everyday there are issues about guns, many coming from states with less restrictions for purchase than New York State. Personally, I think guns are a stupid waste and hunting for "sport" a bigger waste of time than watching TV and being on the internet at the same time. If one is hunting to feed their family or protect themselves from harm in the wild great, but the availability of guns to morons who aren't responsible enough or don't have morals that an education or good parents provides are getting people killed in our cities.


Taking away the right to bear arms does not in any way denigrate the men who fought and died for American Independence 200 years ago or anytime for that matter.


I enjoyed Heston's movies over the years as well, but for me the NRA relationship he had was a blemish.


Just my two cents





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"I don't think Europeans, Canadians, Asians, South Americans or anyone else can really understand just how important that is to us and that's why they'll never understand who we truly are or why we do the things we do."


Now James I like you I really do, but you make comments like this and they are fall on the floor funny, sorry but they are.


You are implying that ONLY Americans understand the concept of FREEDOM. Oh no we have no freedom here in Canada and we've never had to take up arms to defend it no never. In many ways Canadians are more free than Americans, I know I can visit Cuba any time I like, my government can't stop me. I know my gov't isn't listening in on my phone conversations, or allowing the police to conduct searches without warrants, like is currently happening in the USA.


I'm sorry James but the world is looking at what your country is doing at Guantanamo Bay and the Abu Ghraib prison and simply no longer buys the idea that the USA is any defender of freedom at all. The US is a signatory of the Geneva Convention but has completely ignored it since the Iraq war started. Maybe the damage can be repaired one day, I hope so.


I lived in the western USA for five years 1990-95. I left with no clearer understanding of the US than what I had when I arrived. I had lot's of opportunity there, and I am thankful for that. But I could not figure out why such strong opposition to all Americans having access to health care, why the the obsession with owning a gun, why the fascination with the death penalty? The list goes on.......


The USA certainly marches to the beat of its own drum that is for sure.



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Einstein also hated science fiction because It might give people the false illusion of scientific understanding and recommended complete abstinence from any type of science fiction, he never wore socks, dressed like a slob, couldn't spell to save his life and smoked like a chimney. Nationalism for the RIGHT cause is as noble as man can get.


As for the abuses of the executive office we've suffered over the last 8 years, it is NOT the the character of the American people and the reason the framers of our Constitution left that passage so vague, because if gives us the power to take back our nation should anyone try to set themselves above the law. Bush has abused his office in an unprecedented manor, his approve rating are some of the lowest in US history, what would happen if we ever got someone worse than him? We may be forced to take BACK our freedom and guns would give us the means to do that should that ever occur. I can't really explain the American character, we are a unique people born of all other nations who gave up their countries to find freedom here. We are the shining city on the hill though we may be tarnished from time to time, in the end, we seem to eventually get to doing the right thing. I couldn't live anywhere else. B)

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Oh boy it just keeps a comin...."we are a unique people born of all other nations who gave up their countries to find freedom here." I think the first guy looking for America was actually trying to find a short route to India so they could make more cash back home in Europe :blink:


I guess the 600,000 Canadians living in LA sure are glad they finally found freedom in the USA ;)


Any way back to the main part of this thread, I just finished watching "Beneath the Planet Of The Apes." Heston makes a brief appearance at the end, and gets shot in a rather boring manner by the apes. He does manage to set off the doomsday bomb before dying though and destroys the earth. If humans can't have the planet then those *&@%T^# apes can't either!!



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I guess the 600,000 Canadians living in LA sure are glad they finally found freedom in the USA ;)


Well dude, they came down here for some reason, otherwise they'd still be in Canada. ;)


Any way back to the main part of this thread, I just finished watching "Beneath the Planet Of The Apes." Heston makes a brief appearance at the end, and gets shot in a rather boring manner by the apes. He does manage to set off the doomsday bomb before dying though and destroys the earth. If humans can't have the planet then those *&@%T^# apes can't either!!




I forgot about "Beneath the Planet Of The Apes" and Heston blowing up the Earth, does seem like a bit of an overreaction. Guess he was having one of those days when you're just pissed off at the world.....'course if there's a doomsday bomb handy it might be a good idea to stop and take a step back and count to 10 BEFORE blowing the Earth to smithereens....you know just in case there still a few smart, non-mutant humans still living in like Fiji or something planning a revolt against the apes and you know....the mutants, just food for thought in case you're ever in that situation. :)

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Well dude, they came down here for some reason, otherwise they'd still be in Canada. ;)


Well dude, the tens of thousands of Americans living in Canada must have come here for a reason as well. ;)


Of course Canada has always been the dumping ground for the people the USA didn't want. Starting with the United Empire Loyalists (folks that thought the revolutionary war was a bad idea), the slaves (underground railroad), Indian tribes (they where being shot at too much), Vietnam war "draft dodgers" (apparently fighting an un-winable war didn't appeal to them), and now soldiers refusing to go to Iraq (seems they have the same objections the Vietnam war era draft dodgers did).


That's ok we'll keep taking them all in, just like we took in all the US flights on 9/11 and the passengers, then the US gov't didn't even bother to say thank-you.



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Well Richie, I don't want you to feel slighted so on behalf of the ENTIRE United States of American, I'd like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU, and I mean YOU personally for all you did for us during 9/11. We couldn't have done it with out ya buddy, From the bottom of our capitalistic, gun toting, world dominating hearts I want to say Thank you, thank you, thank you for tolerating the refuse of American society!!!! :)

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