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Arriscope Lenses

Landon D. Parks

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Guest Daniel J. Ashley-Smith

The game sounds like a brilliant idea, and I'd go out and buy it if it hit the shops.


Trouble is, is it going to compete with the millions of other HUGE scale games already out there? Activisions: Counterstrike, one of the most successful online games ever made, I see that going for 10 pounds in shops and it's barely heard of.


I also have attempted to make a game with some friends, I must admit it didn't get very far. (Considering my game consisted of C++ based 2D characters made out to be SAS, and man programming AI is hard.. If I remember correctly the Iraqi's started killing each other..)


Only the best of the best make it out there. Even brilliantly designed games that you would have bet your life would be the next biggest success in the gaming industry, never make it out there.


Having said that, keep going at it, there are other methods of selling it, not through a shop. You heard of Freeloader.com? Plenty of ways... And if it's of a reasonable standard, someones going to invest in it.

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It's not just me working on it. I have a group of 5 people under contracts that they get a % when (And if) it sells.


Personally I would prefer to just sell the game for $2,000,000 and get it off my chest, but this may or may not happen.


Have you figured out already how much of these 2 Million will be yours, after you pay off your team and after the taxman says hi that is.

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Have you figured out already how much of these 2 Million will be yours, after you pay off your team and after the taxman says hi that is.


On one front yes. If I market the game myself (With a marketing team and some money of course), I don't see a problem selling 150,000 units of the game, which @ $15 each for wholesale comes too $2,250,000.00.... Now after all the percents have been taken out, I should still have around 2 million left. Now I'm not sure about taxes, I still have to check into that. But I dont see them taking no more than $300,000.00 out, which still leaves me with my 1.7 million?


Now on the other foot, if I just sell the rights out-right, then I will more than likly either have to raise my sell price, or lower the films budget, because (Just a ruff figure) is $1.4 million is what I would have left in this case. Which drasticly cuts the budget down. (Still workable though)


We don't want to take up too much more spce with my ramblings about my game. The point is this: If it works, it does. If It don't, oh well. Im sure to get a little money out of it when it's all over. Maybee not enought to make a movie, but enought to keep me happy for a while.


On top of that, if this idea fails, I have 4 or 5 as back-ups :rolleyes: (Which I wont say anything about yet)

Edited by Landon D. Parks
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Now after all the percents have been taken out, I should still have around 2 million left. Now I'm not sure about taxes, I still have to check into that. But I dont see them taking no more than $300,000.00 out, which still leaves me with my 1.7 million?



Are you friends with George Bush or have you just never paid taxes? IF, and thats a BIG if, you make 2 million off your game you will be lucky to have 1 million left when you're done paying the tax. Better raise your asking price on that game!

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Guest Daniel J. Ashley-Smith

Ahh don't let it get you down. Who knows, the final profits may be MORE than 2 million. Even if things go downhill, and you end up with a million. A million will still make you a good movie.

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Call me crazy, but if I made a product that gave me a million bucks in profits then I'd take that cash and put it into an equity holding account and live off the $50,000 annual after tax interest without ever touching the principle. Spend my time doing whatever else I wished to do and make whatever money I make, but I'd always have that $50k a year to fall back on.

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Call me crazy, but if I made a product that gave me a million bucks in profits then I'd take that cash and put it into an equity holding account and live off the $50,000 annual after tax interest without ever touching the principle.  Spend my time doing whatever else I wished to do and make whatever money I make, but I'd always have that $50k a year to fall back on.


That's just a crazy and irresponsible idea! Get serious! Making a movie with that money is a sure bet!

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Sorry I was unable to reply sooner,

I was at a celebration party till later last night, so

I was unable to reply. And I was to busy watching

the poll results election day to reply.


Ahh don't let it get you down.

The way I see it is like this, If I make the money I do. If I don't, I have other ideas to make the money. I'm not going to give up without a fight.


What ever, it will have been a fun battle, and even if I come out still broke, then at least I had a fun time trying to come up with the money...


Call me crazy, but if I made a product that gave me a million bucks in profits then I'd take that cash and put it into an equity holding account and live off the $50,000 annual after tax interest

If I had a million, and didnt have a film to spend it on, I sure would not live off of 50,000 a year! I would spend it all at once, buy a new HUGE house, Couple of $80,000 sports cars and buy me a company or two :D (for future income)

Edited by Landon D. Parks
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Guest Daniel J. Ashley-Smith

Or an even better idea. Work your ass off in the gap year, pay university fees with that money, take out a student load for university and leave it sitting in a high interest account.

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Guest Daniel J. Ashley-Smith

I ment it as an additional idea, it won't bring in much money, but still, a bit of extra cash.


Most people can't be bothered to work the gap year.

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with all respect bush is a fu**ing nightmare
wow auto asterisks lets try this....Bush is a complete cu** that has and will for the next four years ruin this world and destroy it for many future generations to come.

Im not going to argue with you. Because I understand that other people have comments that differ from mine and Im willing to accept that. Remember, your just as bad as me now, because you posted a political comment. Does this mean you wont make it in the movie business either? I wonder.


People need to understand that this may not be a politcal board, however no where in the rules do I see "No polical Banners or anything polical is allowed in the forum".


And also need to understand that just because this is not a political forum, does not mean that it is free of polotics. It simply means that the discussion is not about politics. Nor was I discusing politics.


Im done with my ramblings. I just dont think the rude comment mottam made about ME or BUSH was called for. I did not come out and say "If kerry was elected, the country will be screwed"... I simply showed my support for Bush. Just as you support Kerry (Clearly, or you would not have posted that in the first place).

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Landon your not old enough to vote and by your naive political attitude i can only thank you for that. I have never wanted particularly to work in the movie business (although I have been working in the film business since I was your age, and as I am just finishing post on a Columbia Tri Star picture, so I guess I have accidentally found myself in the movie business). I am not a John Kerry supporter, I just prefer not to have the worlds only Super Power (excluding China) run by a homophobic racist ex-coke head bigot. I'd prefer a president who thinks that digging up Alaska for oil is less important than finding suitable renewable energy. Who along with my wanker of a PM does not lead a country into a war based on lies. Who therfor would not kill 20,000 innocent people with precision bombing, lose track of weapons grade plutonium and further destabilise an un-stable region (thus creating more 'homicide' bombers and terrorists.) I'd also prefer someone who felt that he didn't need to give tax cuts to the extremely rich and rather considered that you know maybe a national health plan might improve american society. It might be nice too to think that he'd not use his own fundamentalism to restrict the channel of aid in Africa or for that matter blindly inforce drug patents from his funders thus causing millions of Africans to die every year of Aids and other diseases. Hey what do I know? Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe he's a great guy I mean all his policies are in the name of god right?



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Guest Daniel J. Ashley-Smith
Ohhhh ok.... I see now.

Ahh hell you know what I'm like.. I gotta edit that.


the fact that you feel the need to put a banner like this on your posts shows that you do not have the maturity to make a film.

Oh that's bullsh*t.. Actually a political sign IS a sign of maturity, how many other 16 year old kids are interested in their countrys political state.


Not that I could give a dam about who got elected, I still think Bush should have lost in ways. I mean, he cheated in the first election by getting dead people to vote for him. I mean, what the hell! And he got that question wrong about the capital city thing, which was quite amusing.


Although having said that, I do agree with what he did during the war. I mean, there were no weapons of mass destruction, I think Bush and Blair just wanted Suddam dead. Which you can't blame them for.

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This is not film re-lated, and Im having second thoughts about replying to this: But I will, and this will be the last post on the subject for me:


andon your not old enough to vote

Even if I was old enough to vote, I would not. I cant see how my 1 vote out of 54,000,000 would have matterd anything. I simply support bush, I dont vote for him.



and by your naive political attitude i can only thank you for that.

My naive attitude? What is that suppose to me? What did I say that was Naive? Was it naive because I supported bush (Along with a 54% Popularity vote, 28 states, and 54,000,000 + Voters) or was it because i dished you like you dished me? This is the first time I ever recall me talking about politics, and after reviewing my post's, nothing I said was naive.


Sorry I guess I dont understand.


(although I have been working in the film business since I was your age, and as I am just finishing post on a Columbia Tri Star picture, so I guess I have accidentally found myself in the movie business).

On a friendly note: What film is this columbia tri-star movie? and what did you do? Direct it, Edit it, Gaffer it....


Oh that's bullsh*t..


Not that I could give a dam about who got elected, I still think Bush should have lost in ways. I mean, he cheated in the first election by getting dead people to vote for him. I mean, what the hell! And he got that question wrong about the captial city thing, which was quite amusing.

Well said Dan.....


Actually a political sign IS a sign of maturity, how many other 16 year old kids are interested in their countrys political state.

I actually ran a local group for support of bush, placed 10,000 Bush signs around my town (and abroad) along with a volunteer group of 300 other kids ages 11 - 18 helping in that, I organized 5 Political Ralleys for bush (Where over 500 people turned up) to ralley in front of the court house on election day (And other days).


I think im pretty well into politics yes....


Thank you again dan for the nice comment,



Damn, I need to take a break a while. the point is, I removed the banner that everyone seemed to have the problem with. So I hope your happy now.

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Not that I could give a dam about who got elected, I still think Bush should have lost in ways. I mean, he cheated in the first election by getting dead people to vote for him.


I think you are confusing him with Lyndon Johnson who stole the 1948 senatorial election in Texas that way and always liked to brag about it:


Little Pedro is sitting on the curb, crying. His friend comes over and asks:


'What's the matter, Pedro?'


'My father was in town last week and he didn't come to see me.'


'But your father has been dead for 5 years.'


'Yes, but he still voted for Lyndon Johnson...'

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Publicly supporting any candidate without a firm basis of facts to stand on is a serious dis-service to you, the people around you, and the well being of democracy in general. Kieth layed down a number of very real, very scary issues that are facts. Not just some liberal propaganda, or media spin. To ignore these and support an individual just because you like their personality, or the way they speak to your beliefs is not the way to pick a candidate. Organizing masses of people, and canvasing your city with signs to spread this ignorance just multiplies the problem. And then to have the audacity to say you won't vote because "it wouldn't really matter" is absoulutely vile. Your actions made a difference, maybe good maybe very bad, and now you don't have the philosophy to back it up. This statement completely undermines the fundamental principal of democracy... But if you don't take an active stance in educating yourself about the issues that are affected by your voice.. keep your mouth shut. The most patriotic thing you can do for your country is to question the very leaders we support, and hold them accountable for their actions. We have the power, and it is being dilluted by people who make decisions based on soundbites, and slanted commentary. Always question the source, and always think about WHY you are being fed certain pieces of news. Blind faith in the goodness of those who lead you will only lead to our own demise.


Anyways... How bout the Arriscopes?

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