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Lighting a baseball field

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I will be lighting a baseball field for a Nike Commercial. I need a bit of help. It's 4 kids in a line ready for a race on foot. And there's a man shooting a gun o start the race in the far back for depth of field.


Now for the lighting part, those stadium overhead lights, I believe those are par lights right? Would they cause a lot of green? The camera is a DSR 390 (SD)


Would it be fine if I lit each actor with a 1k (so that's four 4ks) and using 2 kino flos for their back light, and a tweenie on each actor to overexpose their face by 1 stop. It's a night shoot, so I'm guessing I'll need Full CTBs right? Thanks

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I'm not sure any other way to find out the color temperature of the stadium lights other than use a color temperature meter. You may be able to find out some manufacturer specs, but the hard part would actually being able to see anything that you could get specs off of, or use to figure out the name of the particular bulb.


You won't need full CTB though. You aren't shooting in the day time so you aren't mixing your tungsten lights with daylight, infact, a lot of the lights around you will actually be tungsten. So it's probably best to keep it at 3200.


If you are planning on using the stadium lights somehow, it would probably be best to figure out a gel pack that gets you a similar color on your tungsten lamps. That way you can easily correct it back to normal without having any strange mixing of color temperatures...

Edited by Ryan Thomas
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