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Possible workflows

David Bradley

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Hello all,


I'm trying to work out a spec on a job with a very tight budget.


We are shooting 3 perf 35mm and looking to telecine rushes to HDCAM-SR and then possibly print to 35mm positive.


I was thinking I could telecine to HDCAM-SR (technical grade or best light) > Create a digi beta copy for offline editing > export Avid EDL for online conform and colouring > print HDCAM - SR finished product to 35mm positive.


The idea behind this workflow is to have as little involvement with the lab as possible (because they're expensive) whilst maintaining image quallity.


If anyone has faced a similar scenario and could lend any advice I would be much obliged.





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Am I wrong in assuming that labs in the UK are a good deal more expensive than labs in the US, despite any exchange rate or other variables. Apples for apples, UK labs are dearer. So if that is the case and with a UK funded production having a favorable exchange rate, why not use a US lab? You could get a deal for a one stop shop: film, processing and most likely either a SR tech grade or dpx scans direct to drive, all for a very attractive price. Two post houses in my neck of the woods are offering extremely competitive rates for pin registered 2k scans. The price for a 2k could be cheaper than a SR work flow, however the storage needs for a feature length 2k is about 16T. So if you work in redundancy and extra room, your looking at roughly 40T of fast, safe storage. Build your own rack mount SATA raid 5 is very doable, but will it be cheaper than a SR deck rental for a feature post. If I were you I'd look into the dpx or even a Cineform workflow.

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Am I wrong in assuming that labs in the UK are a good deal more expensive than labs in the US, despite any exchange rate or other variables. Apples for apples, UK labs are dearer. So if that is the case and with a UK funded production having a favorable exchange rate, why not use a US lab? You could get a deal for a one stop shop: film, processing and most likely either a SR tech grade or dpx scans direct to drive, all for a very attractive price. Two post houses in my neck of the woods are offering extremely competitive rates for pin registered 2k scans. The price for a 2k could be cheaper than a SR work flow, however the storage needs for a feature length 2k is about 16T. So if you work in redundancy and extra room, your looking at roughly 40T of fast, safe storage. Build your own rack mount SATA raid 5 is very doable, but will it be cheaper than a SR deck rental for a feature post. If I were you I'd look into the dpx or even a Cineform workflow.



I went the DPX scan route on my 2perf 35mm feature. When all was said and done, I have about 2TB worth of footage, as I only scanned selects. The film was transferred to SD quicktimes with window burn in at 23.98fps and I edited, exported an EDL and had the scan house pull from my lab reels based on the EDL.

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