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It's Brisbane Tonight - Wow!

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Hi guys - here's the web page for my new feature which is in early pre-production at the moment.


We're shooting on HD, but we're definitely going for a film look and will be using a static 35mm adaptor as well.


The film is a comedy and will be shooting in the middle of next year - so it's only early days yet - but plenty to do as per usual and I'll keep updating on the progress.


I'm very keen to put everything I've learnt from my other films in to practise here!




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  • 4 months later...

Quick update - things are going well - the new draft of the script is completed and getting some great feedback -- I've added in a few extra characters and subplots to round it all out.


The first reading (with a basic cast) is in a week - and then auditions and crewing after that. We're looking at filming in September.


More updates as it progresses :-)



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Having a reading of the new script today - which I'm really looking forward to. About a third of the film is already cast - and then we'll be holding auditions for the rest in early March. I got a huge response to various ads I placed on some casting and crewing sites - over 70 application for the cast! Even some from interstate who said they'd travel for it! Anyway hopefully it all bodes well for a good production period.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi all - been a long time since I've updated, that's because we've been flat out like a lizard drinking working on the production. Things are powering along well - here's some of the latest developments:


* We're going to shoot it in mockumentary style now


* Been rehearsing for over a month now (a few sessions a week) - and it's going really well - the rehearsals have been alot of fun, and we're adding new jokes into the script as we go


* Allthough we had a pretty sucessful DOF adaptor test with Canon HF11 - we are now going to be shooting on a Canon 7D DSLR - most of it will be shot off a steadicam (emphasis on steady though!) - though there will still be a small sequence in 16mm


*We now have a new lead - owing to theatre tour clash for the previous female lead - we are now very thrilled to have on board Sonia Ball





*We're also having a fundraising lunch/fashion show at a restaurant at Sanctuary Cove on the Gold Coast (Australia) - on Saturday Sept the 4th if anyone is interested (I know you all live nearby!!)


*Anyway shooting starts on the last weekend of September and goes through every weekend till the first weekend in December


More on the web page here



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jed - sorry for the delay in getting back to you - yes we have one available to us, and in fact it looks like it might be two now, which would be great. Our original idea was a Canon HF11 with a 35mm DOF adaptor - but that was a bit difficult to focus pull on whilst on a steadicam rig - so this solves it all, and really gives a better image too



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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright so we start principal photography this Saturday - we're starting off nice and easily with a series of fake ads being shot in front of a green screen.


Everything else has been going well - a few ups and downs with some people having to drop out owing to paid work coming up or health issues - but we have our core cast and crew - so are progressing well.


Rehearsals have been good and alot of fun actually - we also had a fund raiser at a nice restaurant down on the Gold Coast -- I gave a speech and we had two fashion parades as well - and raised a useful sum for the film.






More info and updates on our web page


So fingers crossed for the weekend :-)

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Yeah qpix have always been great to me -- we're not using any of their gear though just their new space. The DOP is good - our original one unfortunately had to drop out owing to work committments so the camerman has stepped up to the role - adn he's more than able for it :-)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I haven't updated the web page for the film yet - but we've had 7 shooting days so far - and all is going well


There's a whole lot of behind the scenes photos here







I've worked out so far we've shot 25% of the script - which is about 22 minutes of screen time. We're shooting HD video - and so far have taken 310 'takes' of individual shots - which has used 87Gb of data - which equates to about 245 minutes of material.


This gives a shooting ratio of 11:1 - which is fine for video, but a bit different if we were shooting on film!!


Anyway all good so far....and alot of fun to work on -- it's a comedy which is so much more fun than a drama!! The crew are really cool too - a small but tight knit and highly talented bunch



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  • 4 weeks later...

Everything is going really well - we're half way through our studio shoot for the next few weekends and we're loving it :-)



Sonia Ball (lead actress) and Scot McPhie (director)



Mick Steel air guitar scene


Anyway we're only shooting on weekends and should be all wrapped by the second weekend of December -- editing has started and I'll try and post a few teaser clips when possible





Edited by Scot McPhie
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  • 4 months later...

It's been quite a while since I've posted about this - I decided to concentrate more on the film making and less on the publicity/chatting -- anyway the film is moving along really well and we're heading into a screening of our 2nd rough cut (almost at the fine cut stage) in about a week. Everyone is pretty happy so far with the result :-)



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  • 10 months later...

Hey guys - a little late update - as I speak the final render is happening of the video -- the audio is being mixed in a studio in Ireland though - but if this video render checks out that's my part of it done.


The website for the film is woefully out of date so I'll look at bringing that up to date sometime soon.


I'm off to Cannes in April for MIPTV mainly for doco projects but I will be taking this in my port with me! If we have no luck with distributors (who I approached earlier but am yet to follow up with) then it's Amazon for DVD sales and VOD



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi guys I've recently held a competition on Freelancer.com to design a cover for our movie "It's Brisbane Tonight Wow" - I got about 40 entries -- there's two that I really like and I'm quite leaning towards one -- but anyway they allow you to have a poll to help you decide - so you can pick 8 entries and let your friends rate and comment on them


So if you'd like to have a look and rate the designs - please go here




- I won't necessarily pick the one with the most votes - I'm more after guidance and comments/opinions





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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone we've now got the trailer done - I look forward to any feedback:




- I'm recording a commentary track along with the two leads this week


One US distributor is already looking at it (Osiris --> anyone have any experience with them?) - and sending it off to an Australian one on Monday :-)


So finally getting completed!


By the way you can see what poster/DVD design I picked on this page


- thanks for the input on that too



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  • 4 weeks later...

Not that too many people here will be able to attend but we're having our premiere at the Regal Twin Cinema in Brisbane on Monday the 25th of June :-)





Tricky thing now is we shot it in HD on Canon 7D - we finished it in SD - now I've got to go back and reconform the HD originals to our SD edit so we can do the screening in HD -- but I should have enough time for that given it's at the end of June



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  • 5 months later...

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