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Guest Frank Gossimier

Boogeyman (American paid for and produced)

Harold and Kumar get the munchies (Ditto - and for crying out loud!)

Hide and seek (Same again)

Hitch (And again.)

Kinsey (You'll never guess!)

Million Dollar Baby (Say, now there's a surprise!)

The Magic Roundabout (Pathe! With American money!)

The Spongebob... oh, I can't even be bothered to type it. American.

Vera Drake (From that country just south of Canada)



Gee Phil,


Looks a lot like the roster at our local theatre here in Canada. Hey, the same roster can be found in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Peru, Lichenstein, Austria, Iran (according to an earlier poster).......


Is it just me or is there a pattern here?


Is it really quality? Or the power of Hollywood and their lap dog the US gov't?



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"You have a problem with my assessment of how Hollywood and US gov't control the Canadian film market? Let's see you disprove what I'm saying with facts rather than empty threats you can never make good on."


that would be a waste of time -- like trying to convince a Klan member (hmmm...) that culture is a good thing.


in the meantime:


3240 15th Ave. W. Nickerson St.

Apt. 10A


Seattle, WA


and don't forget to bring your little p-nis with you.

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Hm...well, I'm not into the idea of leaving the country right now. But I'm glad that there are places other than the States for people who aren't sure where to start.


As far as women not being into cinematography, thought I'd chip in on this a bit before I turn in for the night- er, morning- (damn insomnia)... my friend actually did a documentary about women in the film industry and within our school, and a lot of them said the same thing: They found it harder to "break in" (whether into the industry or even into the group of film students at my school who DON'T shoot total crap!) because they either were intimidated or put off by the "male"ness of the industry (to which I say, "Uh...okay...what?") or they felt that they were passed over because maybe they weren't strong or assertive enough.


I don't see my gender as a handicap at all, because I don't make it that way. I show up on set dressed like a scrub and I don't whine about my hair getting messed up (although it does get in my face, that's what the Red Sox hat is for!) or anything stereotypical like that. I roll up my sleeves and I bust up my shins and I carry around a freakish amount of weight for my size. I do what needs to be done, just like the guys, and if they're put off by that, that's too bad; they're losing out! :P


Seriously, to the women who say that they are intimidated, I say, "Okay, well let's make it better, then. You don't feel that you're strong enough? GET strong. Not assertive enough? Think "like a guy". Watch how your male crew members behave on set and match it. Level with them instead of separating yourself. And for the love of god stop reading Cosmo and bullsh*t like that because it's full of stereotypes that aren't even true!"


I used to be intimidated and unsure of myself until I realized that being a woman in the industry or at film school is only awkward if I make it that way. I try to find people who I enjoy working with, and I stick with them. If anyone were to ever try and screw me over because of my gender, I would probably say to hell with them and try to get out of that situation as cleanly and politely as possible, without causing a big dramatic fuss.


Maybe I'm wrong and I have no idea what's coming to me. I think I am maybe one of three female camera operators at SCAD out of hundreds of film students. Most of the women at my school in the film dept. are script supervisors, writers, and editors. I guess my question is not, Why aren't there more women doing cinematography and camerawork but rather, as a woman, how big of a deal should I be making out of the fact that I'm female and a camera operator/1st AC instead of a more typical "female" set position? It is hard to figure out when to speak up and when to say Okay, I have a problem with the way I'm being treated. But I think that's a universal issue that both males and females face.


There's always another side to things too. I wonder about the guys who want to do costume design or art direction, and if they face equal discrimination or doubts. I just try to do my job well, regardless of my gender, but I'm sure other women might feel differently.


That $.02 was long as hell....!


You go girl! I'm not familiar with working on film crews, like you are, but I've worked other kinds of jobs where I was the only woman in the place. You just act like you don't notice. You just project the attitude that you won't take any bullshit. There really aren't that many men who will try to test you. Also it doesn't hurt if you know how to fight. I have seven siblings and most of them are boys so that's not a problem. Extreme example: I used to work on a job where there were several other women who complained about being "harassed" by this one guy. I said, "if he touches you, punch him in the nuts. It's simple". They all looked at me like I was crazy. I was on that job for several months and never had any trouble with the guy.

I've been wondering why there are not more women DOPs, perhaps it is a similar mentality of not wanting to be "unfeminine" and "overly aggressive" i.e. not a doormat.

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"You go girl! I'm not familiar with working on film crews, like you are, but I've worked other kinds of jobs where I was the only woman in the place. You just act like you don't notice. You just project the attitude that you won't take any bullshit. There really aren't that many men who will try to test you. Also it doesn't hurt if you know how to fight. I have seven siblings and most of them are boys so that's not a problem. Extreme example: I used to work on a job where there were several other women who complained about being "harassed" by this one guy. I said, "if he touches you, punch him in the nuts. It's simple". They all looked at me like I was crazy. I was on that job for several months and never had any trouble with the guy.

I've been wondering why there are not more women DOPs, perhaps it is a similar mentality of not wanting to be "unfeminine" and "overly aggressive" i.e. not a doormat."


Hell yeah.


Nothing annoys me more more than some greasy testosterone contaminated manimal acting all high and mighty because he was born without a vagina.


Same goes for politics, religion and general day to day life.


The accepted notion that we live in a world where males are superior to females is one of humanity's greatest blunders in my opinion.


Good for you.




P.S. - I'm a guy, but I hate the way most men act. Society preaches the importance of "becoming a man" - IMO it should be more about "becoming a human being". That's a challenge.


Men really can be pigs. Women can be too obviously, but they are also easier to blame - especially in third world countries.


Imagine the day when the fairy tale religions which have plagued mankind (since the day we found out we had a creative thought process and discovered the arts) evaporate into thin air just like a terrible straight to video disney sequel.


I believe that one day women will get their "revenge" as will blacks, Jews, gypsies etc.


I'd rather be weird, different strange and odd than some random hairless primate with a superiority complex.


No, Frank. I'm straight.

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Guest Frank Gossimier

"that would be a waste of time -- like trying to convince a Klan member (hmmm...) that culture is a good thing.

in the meantime:

3240 15th Ave. W. Nickerson St.

Apt. 10A


Seattle, WA

and don't forget to bring your little p-nis with you. "


I didn't know Klan members where necassarily "un-cultured".


Ok I'll be sure and stop next time I'm in Seattle. Is that the city with the little "needle thingy?" gee that thing is small, I guess it's symbolic of the male organs of the men who live there. In Toronto we have a tower the, "CN Tower", but it's a real man's tower if you know what I mean.


As for....


"I believe that one day women will get their "revenge" as will blacks, Jews, gypsies etc."


They have been getting revenge on us white males for the last 20 years, what do you think affirmitive action is doing?



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Guest Frank Gossimier

Oh I almost forgot TSM, now that I have your address, I'm going to be signing you up for visits from every religous organization I can think of. Because after reading....


"Imagine the day when the fairy tale religions which have plagued mankind (since the day we found out we had a creative thought process and discovered the arts) evaporate into thin air just like a terrible straight to video disney sequel."


And your other posts about you being a pot head (which explains a lot) I think what you need most in your life right now is some good ol' fashioned praise the Lord religion! Expect to called on by the Jehovah's Witnessess, Mormons, Baptists, and maybe a Klan member or two?


Also, I have taken the liberty of signing you up as member of the Republican party of America, and signed you onto a web site that supports the Constitutional Amendment against same sex marriage.


You didn't know you where going to become so politically active did you?


Did I also mention that the US army recruiting department is going to contact you? It seems you filled out an on-line form requesting information about signing up and going to Iraq.



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Guest Frank Gossimier

Oh one last thing re your address TSM, this is the worst part!


It seems you have not declared all of your income to the IRS for the last five years. They know about it and where you live.


Of all the horrors that await you, this one will be the worst :P



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Guest Daniel J. Ashley-Smith

lol, Frank you bastard... I'm sure Jonathon will pay twice the amount to slap you now lol

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Guest Daniel J. Ashley-Smith

Although seriously Frank, a jokes a joke, but messing about with the IRS e.t.c. is going a bit too far don't you think?

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Okay seriously Frank & Jonathan Spear


This is ridiculous and childishly stupid!


I suspect both of you are adults? I hope I'm right

So why don't you both try acting like adults!


Jonathan I don't know if you're a minority (but I know you're not a woman)

As a minority and someone who's talked with women about the subject


Us minorities (for lack of a better word) don't want revenge for anything

We want to be treated like human beings and have the same opportunities

& we won't as long as folks like you referring us as jews, blacks, women, gypsies

Instead of seeing past our color and ethnicities and just see as another person

Who wants to be treated like everyone else

(i.e. white males--for lack of a better word)


And Frank no Affirmative Action is not our revenge on the white male

Affirmative Action is a joke created by white males like Jonathan

To still keep their thumb over the rest of society

Yet not make it seem like they're actually dominating anyone.

Affir. Action is just a ridiculous concept that doesn't help anyone in the end...

But that's just my 2bits


Anyways we shouldn't even be having this conversation...

This is a forum about CINEMATOGRAPHY and not your political ideals

So stop arguing over stupid personal idealogies!

Before someone reports the both of yous! :angry:

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Guest Daniel J. Ashley-Smith
This is ridiculous and childishly stupid!

Yes, but you have to admit it's quite amusing. Got to have a bit of fun on the board every now and then. (I mean how boring would this place be if we never had huge debates e.t.c. ? It's an essential feature of any board, and I mean that seriously)

Edited by Daniel J. Ashley-Smith
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One phone call, flier, letter or anything from any religious orgs I'll have FEDS up your ass. If you already signed me up - I'm pressing charges. I'm not kidding. My mom and dad are sitting next to me. what you're doing is illegal.


i'm totally serious frank.


(by the way - i pay my taxes and i'm a good citizen.)

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"Did I also mention that the US army recruiting department is going to contact you? It seems you filled out an on-line form requesting information about signing up and going to Iraq."




I skipped that part.


Now I'm calling the FBI for real.

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Rik, I =am= a minority.


Last year I got my ass kicked walking home from work by a bunch of Frank G's.


Get my point?


And speaking of stupid ideologies -- why don't you re-read your "angry" post.


Seeems like you've got a little complex of your own going on...


This isn't about blind hatred.


It's about realizing that Frank's opinions are NOT unique and can be extremely dangerous.


Frank G:


"I didn't know Klan members where necassarily "un-cultured"."


:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o


AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO IS OFFENDED BY THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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