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Free S16 Stock

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I am currently preparing to film my short this coming April, as I am still working on gathering all necessary funds together; I was told that I could acquire free stock from Kodak, and any other film stock needed could be provided at a discount since I am a film student. Is this the case? Only reason I'm asking, is because the budget for my first short is estimated at around 12 thousand dollars. I'm saving a majority of the money myself and will raise the rest, but anything I can get at a discount or for free would be a great help. The short film will be approximately 15 minutes long, will be shot on super 16mm. If anyone has more information regarding the acquisition of free stock, or discounted stock, I would greatly appreciate it. I've been doing some searching, have found some reliable information, but I figured there's nothing more reliable than experience, hence my posting on cinematography.com... :-)


Thank you all in advance for any information you can provide.

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Kodak and Fuji might send you 400' or so for testing. I know I've gotten a few hundred here and there from Kodak/Fuji when I call them and let them know I want to test a stock for a certain short. But, that's really bout it and in the end it's @ their discretion.


As for cheaper stock, I know Kodak has an online student webstore:




Fuji you'd probably have to call a Rep for, depending on where you are:





But, the other low cost option is looking for short ends and recans from a reputable seller. However, I don't know any sellers off of the top of my head.

Stay away from stocks off of Ebay....

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What's the matter ZBig A, you get burned buying another 4,000 feet that the seller thought movie film didn't need to be handled in complete darkness? Didn't the pictures of the film out in the open tip you off? ;-) Actually saw, think it was color photographic paper being sold this way once. I sent the seller a biting, sarcastic note, asking what the pinkish color was good for now that he'd turned it into scrap silver, paper base, and pink-colored inkjet paper, and you wouldn't BELIEVE how fast that auction disappeared.


Unfortunately, 16mm ends are hard to come by these days. Make friends with the Dominos camera crew! Is Friday Night Lights still on the air, still S16?


If you are in the US Cristiaan, I MIGHT be able to track down some phone numbers of loaders, ACs you might be able to call and acquire "waste" from. Might be a minute or less, and have all the hassles associated therewith, but free is free, right?

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