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Hell's Angels

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Anyone interested in aerial cinematography should most definitely buy this DVD. I got it from Amazon. The story and acting are pretty much laughable, but amazingly, I still found this movie altogether engaging and entertaining. Of course, the fact that I had just watched The Aviator might have influenced that, but I also bought The Outlaw with Jane Russell, and was bored to tears by that, so maybe The Aviator wasn't such a factor after all. For a movie released in 1930, the special effects are amazing. I was just as excited and in just as much suspense watching this movie as when I was watching Sky Captain and the World of Tommorrow, so it goes to show that technology doesn't take the place of creativity. It's obvious that the crew of this film was very devoted to telling a visually intense story, and I believe they pulled it off. I was also intrigued by the tinted (pinkish) duel scene, and the color dance/ball scene. It seemed to contrast the rest of the movie in a positive way, as far as affecting the story goes. Well, watch this fun movie and tell me what you think. p.s. I thought it interesting that a movie like The Outlaw had a much more well known and talented cinematographer (Greg Toland) but was still extremely boring and hard to watch, demonstrating that pretty pictures and good composition can't make up for weak and slow stories and poor acting. (but i guess awesome dogfight scenes can)

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Anyone interested in aerial cinematography should most definitely buy this DVD.  I got it from Amazon.  The story and acting are pretty much laughable, but amazingly, I still found this movie altogether engaging and entertaining.  Of course, the fact that I had just watched The Aviator might have influenced that, but I also bought The Outlaw with Jane Russell, and was bored to tears by that, so maybe The Aviator wasn't such a factor after all.  For a movie released in 1930, the special effects are amazing.  I was just as excited and in just as much suspense watching this movie as when I was watching Sky Captain and the World of Tommorrow, so it goes to show that technology doesn't take the place of creativity.  It's obvious that the crew of this film was very devoted to telling a visually intense story, and I believe they pulled it off.  I was also intrigued by the tinted (pinkish) duel scene, and the color dance/ball scene.  It seemed to contrast the rest of the movie in a positive way, as far as affecting the story goes.  Well, watch this fun movie and tell me what you think.  p.s. I thought it interesting that a movie like The Outlaw had a much more well known and talented cinematographer (Greg Toland) but was still extremely boring and hard to watch, demonstrating that pretty pictures and good composition can't make up for weak and slow stories and poor acting. (but i guess awesome dogfight scenes can)


If you liked those aerial shots, You should see WINGS, made in 1927. I prefer the shots in Hells Angels, but the aerial cinematography in WINGS is interesting too.

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