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814xls serviced?

Ryan Navazio

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I've had a canon 814xls for a few years, and about a year ago, the camera seemed to jam up and has since stopped working. The motor still runs, but the camera won't advance film, I was told that this is a simple problem that I could easily fix (if i took the camera apart). But I'd rather send the camera out instead of risking further damage to take it apart myself. Does anyone know where I can have this camera serviced?

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I've had a canon 814xls for a few years, and about a year ago, the camera seemed to jam up and has since stopped working. The motor still runs, but the camera won't advance film, I was told that this is a simple problem that I could easily fix (if i took the camera apart). But I'd rather send the camera out instead of risking further damage to take it apart myself. Does anyone know where I can have this camera serviced?


Hi Ryan,


Spectra Film and Video specializes in rebuilding Canons for re-sale. They fixed my 814 electronic and did a great job. They should be able to help. ;)


Find them here: http://www.spectrafilmandvideo.com

Edited by John Hyde
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