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This camera looks interesting. I'm looking to upgrade my 1 year old sony consumer grade 1CCD camera, and get into some more serious filmmaking (I'm a 16 year old student here), but I have some questions.




I heard that you still use MiniDV tapes. Is this correct? SO I could essentially use my old camcorder as a deck for editing and it would lose no quality?


2) What's the difference between this and the VX2100E? That camera looks good too, but should I make the leap to this HD one? I want my films to look good, but I also want the camera to last me a little while.


3) I read an article somewhere about half a second glitches when editing with HD? does it glitch when editing? Also can I use Adobe Premiere or whatever to edit my film?





  • Premium Member
This camera looks interesting. I'm looking to upgrade my 1 year old sony consumer grade 1CCD camera,  and get into some more serious filmmaking (I'm a 16 year old student here), but I have some questions.




I heard that you still use MiniDV tapes. Is this correct? SO I could essentially use my old camcorder as a deck for editing and it would lose no quality?


2) What's the difference between this and the VX2100E? That camera looks good too, but should I make the leap to this HD one? I want my films to look good, but I also want the camera to last me a little while.


3) I read an article somewhere about half a second glitches when editing with HD? does it glitch when editing? Also can I use Adobe Premiere or whatever to edit my film?








If you set the FX1 to record in SD then you will be able to use your old camera to play the tapes. If you record in HDV then you will have to use the camera as the play Deck. You can only edit HDV if you have the latest version Premiere Pro with the necessary codec. Any drop outs on the tape will be long glitches!



Stephen Williams

Lighting Cameraman



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