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Aaton XTR Prod - trigger external HD mon

Boris Kalaidjiev

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Hi everyone, 

I have an HD Video Tap from Visual Products on my Prod. I was wondering if there is a way to trigger record an external mon when the camera rolls?

It would be really convenient when the camera starts rolling to somehow automatically trigger the external mon/recorder that's attached to it.


Could any of the the Lemo 2, 6, 9, 14pin connectors on the camera send a signal when the camera rolls and use that signal to somehow trigger?

Is there a way to embed the trigger in the SDI signal of the video tap? I've heard that there are some sort of SDI trigger boxes but I think everything becomes a bit bulky then.



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Hi, probably the best shot would be to use Amph9 connector as a source of signal (it was used for a video tap, one of the pins should output a shutter pulse for flickerfree module(?)) then you would need an electronic system that transfers this signal into ancillary data in correct data space and adds it to the existing SDI signal from HD video. I don't think there is a ready solution on the market for this particular case.


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Embedding sounds complicated. What about the 2pin lemo R/S. If you rolled your camera from the main dial (operator side) would there be a signal on the 2pin lemo on the other side of the camera? If there was something maybe a custom cable could be done from the 2pin lemo to a 3.5mm jack (that some monitors have to trigger them). Not quiet sure what signal has to go through the 3.5mm jack for the trigger.

Of course embedding the trigger signal would be much nicer.

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