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Boris Kalaidjiev

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Everything posted by Boris Kalaidjiev

  1. Haha yeah! We brought in 4 very strong stunt guys, actually they looked more like bodybuilders than anything else and they also said it was too heavy to carry and walk around. The rental company was also very suspicious but at then end let us do the test. Lesson learned, wont be doing that again!
  2. I recently did a project and needed a steadicam for an LT for a few days but no one was available. So we thought of trying out as Tom a Movi XL but the twist was that we wanted to hand carry the Movi because it was uneven terrain where we wanted to shoot. Here are some pictures and yes it is as ridiculous as it looks. It turned out that the whole thing was way to heavy and also a bit risky because of the high center of gravity. Anyway I'm putting out a few photos so if anyone is in a similar situation they would think twice before doing this 🙂
  3. I am mainly talking about the FX3 and FX6 because of the higher frame rates. It would be useful to be able to slow down stuff.
  4. @Albion Hockney Can you make out the camera and lens? The lens maybe looks like a Signature Prime but i doubt they would strap such a big lens. What do you mean by in camera stabilisation, IBIS or use gyro data from the camera to afterwards stabilise it like they do with the FPV drones? I am actually also wondering if the rolling shutter on the FX3 & FX6 would be a problem? Of course all this has to be tested out but I was hopping that someone has had some experience with this before I go ahead.
  5. Wow this is so sad. I really wish there could have been something done to keep them a float. I emailed Pierre a few days ago but the email bounced back I guess this is why.
  6. Hi everyone, A bit of a neiche question. I have an upcoming shoot where we have a shot of someone jumping out of a plane. The camera operator is of course a professional certified skydiver with a helmet that you strap a camera onto. My question is, has anyone shot anything like this recently that's not with a GoPro? The first thing that they said was a RED Komodo which I guess is because of the global shutter but does anyone have any experience with a Sony FX6 or FX3? Would the FX3 be better or worse because of its internal stabilisation? The skydivers mentioned that there are a lot of vibration during the freefall. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks a lot!
  7. Hi, you can’t balance it on a Ronin 2. Your best bet is a Movi XL. I’ve done it on a Movi before and it works good.
  8. Thanks for the find Dave. I looked up Hoya but I think they've discontinued them. I will probably go with the listing that you found. Thanks again.
  9. Hi everyone, Does anyone know if there is a 95mm 85B filter out there? I found one on B&H that said special order only and after waiting for 4 weeks they told me that it was discontinued. I then contacted Tiffen but they, pretty much told me the same thing. Any idea where I can find one? Thank you, Boris https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/55131-REG/Tiffen_95C85B_95C_Coarse_85B_Color.html
  10. @Dirk DeJonghe wow proaim’s bridge plates are so much cheaper then anything else out there right now. Are you happy with the build quality and usability? Initially I was planning on getting this one from LanParte https://www.ebay.com/itm/263345134256?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Np3FwNEFTPi&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=BIfCNK4-Rsm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=WHATS_APP which one did you get from Proaim?
  11. Hi, I am looking for a Bridge plate + dovetail for my Aaton XTR Prod. Is anyone selling? Thanks, Boris
  12. @Fabian Schreyer I contacted them through this link https://www.zeiss.com/consumer-products/int/service/repairs/cine-lenses.html
  13. What about rolls on NDs who would typically order those?
  14. So who actually orders filters before a shoot (diffusion, CTO/CTB, NDs)? Is it the grip department or the lighting? Or the lighting dept orders them before the shoot and then pass them on to the the grip so put them onto 4x4 frames?
  15. @Eric Eaderi tried Zeiss but they got back to me that they don’t repair such old lenses anymore. Does anyone know of other places in Europe? There was a place in Ukraine but I don’t remember the name. Does anyone know what the place was called? Thanks!
  16. So if you follow the US system anything shaping light is grip department. Does this mean that grips provide, CTO/CTB, Diffusion, NDs for light? The European system the lighting department is the one who modifies the light instead of the grips like the US system? Am I getting this right? I do understand that wherever US production go people adopt to their way of working. But for instance local productions in Asia, Africa, South-America which system do they follow?
  17. Hi everyone, This might sound a bit stupid but what is the main difference between the Light and Grip crews between the diffrent countries. I mean they're responsibilities on set. I know there are 2 systems but which part of the world uses which one and how are they diffrent one from the other? Thank you, Boris
  18. Hi everyone, I have a set ot Zeiss Super Speeds MKIII (S16mm) and I would like to get them serviced somewhere in Europe. The focus marks are a bit off. Any recommendations on a place that can take them in and wont take super long to do a full check? Thank you, Boris
  19. @Dirk DeJonghe thank you for this very insightful PDF! I applied what you wrote down and it brought all the digital noise down. It's crazy how wrong settings in my Resolve can cause so much trouble. Thank you again!
  20. Hi everyone, I have an Aaton XTR Prod and I can’t seem to figure out how to turn on the backlight on the LCD Display. I flipped through the manual but didn’t find anything specific about that. Does anyone know how to turn on the backlight to the LCD Display on the Prod? thank you!
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