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Abakus 132 B4 to Super-16 PL Adapter

Raymond Zrike

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I am selling an Abakus 132 B4 to Super-16 PL expander. It expands the image circle of B4 lenses to cover super-16 with a magnification factor of 1.32x (so multiply the focal length of your B4 lens by that amount).

There have been B4 to S16 PL adapters from a variety of different manufacturers—having owned a number of them, I can tell you that this is the best. MTF’s adapter is of lower optical quality while IB/E’s adapter lets in less light (it loses a stop of light while the Abakus 132 loses about 0.8 stops; additionally, IB/E’s adapter is limited to a max T-stop input of T1.9 while the Abakus 132 does not have that limitation). The Abakus 132 fully optically corrects the 3-chip image format for use on a single sensor/film.

It is in great condition with clear glass. Includes caps.

My price is $1100. Plus $10 to ship in the US. I can take PayPal, Venmo, Zelle.


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