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  1. Hello there. I once used a smokemachine and we shoot a video on 16mm. It was not a hazer but a cheap disco fogger. When i came to the telecine to make a copy to tape one problem came up. When you have to much smoke in the room made by a disco fogger and want to push the colers to the max, you could end up like I did and have very disaturated coulers. When you try to get max out of the coulor you ending up with more grain, because the smoke disaturates the pictures and you push the film to hard. So keep in mind not to have to much smoke and dont use a cheap disco fogger. regards Andrés
  2. Sorry about that. I ment the 2004 version. Thank you for the help.
  3. Hello there. I´m going to shoot a movie in december. And i want to get the same look as "Daniel Pearl DoP" got in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. So I´m woundering if any one has som tip for me or if any body know if there exist an articel about the lighting on that movie? Best Regards Andrés Rignell "Sweden"
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