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Emanuel A Guedes

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Everything posted by Emanuel A Guedes

  1. I can't even imagine the face of Keith staring his eyes on your post. :lol: Be ready yourself Joseph from now on, welcome aboard! ;) E. :-)
  2. Or yet this sample achieved in post by the hands of Matthew_Wauhkonen: LINK Hope this helps, E. :-)
  3. As for instance @02:40 or @03:07/08... here: http://www.youtube.com/user/emotiondouce#p/u/14/nRGeYsaCZOI EDIT -- new post
  4. No worries, I'll try the cubist vein next round :lol:
  5. Here is an useful advice to you Keith. :lol: K., considering the number of times you're used to post my name mispelled even when I, like Jan or many others, don't bother to post in order to answer you, I should take seriously to put you on my payroll list though. It can happen to be a fulfillment to read you. ;)
  6. Film (it is good to see it alive and kicking) or digital, the important is that both are handleABLE (= affordable, capable of being on budget -- Scarlet?).
  7. A latin product, far away from the typical VFX blockbuster (and a certain clientele*... ;-) gave the first Oscar award to a feature shot on RED. Congrats boys ! * Food for thought...
  8. It does seem the rolling shutter is not Canon's invention but was already creatively used somewhere in 1913. Credits for Jacques-Henri Lartigue.
  9. «It looks pretty but it's technically horrible.» LOL Nice quote.
  10. If your computer is not fast enough to run the clips in real time yes, you need to convert it first.
  11. Codec or aliasing from line skipping? ;)
  12. David, VLC player: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ Into the menus: video > snapshot E. :-)
  13. Not available 'cause it is a private video.
  14. Succeeding Trammel Hudson's Magic Lantern, here is from March 15th on:
  15. 0.1.6 version release We already knew the quality audio feature, now rack focus in-camera among many other features: * Custom cropmarks bitmap file * Live histogram while recording * Time remaining estimate indicator * Automated focus pulls * Focus stacking * HDR exposure bracketing * Lens data (hyperfocal distance, DOF, etc) * Cleaner, multi-level menus that timeout automatically * Audio monitoring can be turned off during clip review * Internal mic can be used (must enable audio.mic-power=1 in config) * Output audio volume control * Configuration can be saved into magiclantern.cfg LINK for details On other forums: http://www.cinema5d.com/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=4589 http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/showthread.php?t=180272 And here's a link where the feature development has been presented with the help of other contributions (interesting ones*, actually): Rack focus using EF motors via Software * with the release of more power to come
  16. Mike (Thorn) has added some updated information on the subject-matter (#7).
  17. Criminal or Penal Law as it is known in countries of roman-german root aka Continental Law (vs. Common Law) have very strictly defined principles of scope. If it is true that ignorance of the law doesn't necessarily mean excuse, only a crime (or a violation sanctioned like that) might lead someone to such punishment. It is more accurate to handle the topic with another relaxed approach once what might expect you would be nothing else than a fine, on the edge.
  18. OK, they're old news (Anders added some useful information): http://www.reduser.net/forum/showthread.php?t=7073 Here's a second route, same way anyways: http://www.reduser.net/forum/showpost.php?...mp;postcount=10 Hope this helps.
  19. Why not? It does seem odd and, at first glance, more disinformation than everything else.
  20. Obscenities apart (after all, why are they necessary beyond their frivolity?), the opinions are like the holes, everyone has more than one (I didn't write just one :-). I can even try to understand your reasons seeing mine above-posted as much more marketing crap than everything else. But let's speak with facts. I am just who is paying my bills as RED customer. Nothing else. I am not a markeeter nor RED employee. What I've seen is that there's too much attention from the part of this company in certain goals. Not mine -- and here I can speak on behalf of a lot of other RED customers. I am in touch with them every day. And I'm not referring the reduser.net fanboys for sure. ;) What is important to this people is not the technical hype that the usual geeks or others like to make notice or pursue. OK, maybe we are more under the POV of a producer, director or many other crafts beyond the cinematographers. Cinematography is just one among them. To each is own. Every cinematographers that I know are paid by the producer(s) with the money that some other anonymous people at the office are signing below. Do not underestimate this. Light production tools is what the majority of the market is looking for, not the 'Ferraris'. My humble two cents.
  21. Maybe hundreds but even dozens is enough. The idea is there anyway. This is what this revolution means. It is not the high tech to make history but a change of the actual structures. Any historian can confirm it.
  22. Is this a 'big excitement' today or whenever? Don't think so. With the due respect for anyone else, the (greatest) most part of shooters don't need to know the opinion of this or that one in any way other than as another one to add to the pile (positive or negative parts). Moreover, I can figure out that Jim J. is too much committed to comply some milestones. To him, it is the same as Ferrari was to Enzo. I never drove such car, I don't need nor have any interest in such program. To me and a lot of indies out there, as far as possible from the mainstream agenda, the better. * In the real world, among the RED clientele, it is a common place to admit that Scarlet is what Epic will never be (a way more important than the latter). For each Epic sold, RED will make thousands of Scarlet sales. The usual loyal RED basis. This is what counts in the end. Do not forget the content is king. Give us the minimal tools for getting it. Got the standard, that's such an achievement, should be the only goal. Not counterproductive and fallacious massages (from outside) to any ego, please. * It is what we customers can best wish to this project (the centre of any revolution?)
  23. I think Stephen is referring this: http://www.deadlinehollywooddaily.com/prod...tal-25-of-2009/ As matter of fact, they're news of two days ago. Only reported today at reduser.
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