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Matthew Buick

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Everything posted by Matthew Buick

  1. I want syncronised shots, can't you get fabric barneys for the 16 S and M ?
  2. I'm looking at an ARRI 16 S, S/B, or M, but I want to shoot movies with people speaking, should I buy a sound barney, or would it be cheaper to buy a 16BL ?
  3. What about the Kragnogorsk K-2, can that do single frame ?
  4. Thank you for the professional replies all, boy, I love it when people just supply an answer and don't take the mick. Matthew Buick Check out Brickfilms, where film is shunned and webcams are king, what morons, 16mm will blow them out of the water.
  5. Thank you, how cheap do they come.
  6. I know many of you will have a go at me for this, but I plan to make Brickfilms. There is a reason for this you know, it gives me a chance to have a go at lighting, something I would just leave to nature in my live action films ( and it's fun ) . So, are there any 16mm cameras that can stay in focus up to about 3cm from the subject ( legoman )?
  7. These are just movies with my friends, I can already lip sync, I just need to teach them to.
  8. THOSE FRAUDULENT BOUNDERS !!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
  9. They do, any idea how much?
  10. I just blundered into this information, and I don't think it's 35mm, I have a feeling it's Super 8, the report talked of the declining sales of cine cameras, Super 8 seems to be the only one that fits.
  11. I am asking for info on these cameras, format, pictures, technical info, prices, y'know, stuff like that.
  12. Not trying to be greedy, but what about the CP-16R, could one of them be bought for the same price ? And what about those more modern, all black, Bolex H 16's ? (the EL, I think)
  13. I was looking on wikipedia, at the 'cine film' section, when I came across something that said, 'new cine cameras would be produced', not much more than that I'm afraid, can anyone help fill in the massive void here.
  14. I am thinking about shooting my movies in 16mm, most probably with an ARRI 16S, ST or S/B. I know these are noisy cams, is Lip Sync in post-production a viable poption?
  15. Isn't the ST the one with no internal film capacity, that doesn't really bother me. I'll tell you what, PM me when you're putting the camera up for sale, and I'll let you know whether I'm still interested or have the funds, oh, and could you possibly tell me the serial number, I want one nice and high, prefferably above 15000, sorry to be picky, but this is going to be my workhorse for many years if I buy it, and I want to make sure that parts and servicing can be found. Thanks, Matthew Buick
  16. Single 8 has important features I want, steady film and full rewind capabilities, there is a reloadable cartridge avalible and some nice filmstocks (not made by Fuji). Matthew Buick
  17. Can the hideous handgrip on the Fujica ZC 1000 be taken off?
  18. Which Super 8 camera has the best picture quality (sharpness)? Matthew Buick
  19. What about the ARRI 16BL?
  20. I was thinking any new camera should do a Elmo Tri-Filmatic, and have detachable backs. Matthew Buick
  21. I saw a picture, it was in the Aaton section of Super8wiki. Anyone know where there are any more? Matthew Buick
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