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Mathew Rudenberg

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Everything posted by Mathew Rudenberg

  1. Sadly, I think TWBB got its Cinematography Oscar as a consolation prize since TWBB was nominated for best picture and director but got neither. Same way as Juno got best original screenplay - if TWBB had an original screenplay it prob would have won instead of Juno, but it couldn't compare with NCFOM. Happily, even though I suspect it won for the wrong reasons, if I was worthy I would certainly have voted for TWBB. From hearing Elswit speak it seems that his and PTA's relationship is painfully beautiful, and as a result transcends what either could do alone. For me that collaboration is the height of cinematography. Deakins was robbed in 2001 when LOTR beat the man who wasn't there, and without any doubt deserves at least one, if not more oscars. I just feel like Elswit had the slight upper hand this year (although I still don't think that's why he won).
  2. p+s technik makes both the pro35 and mini35 adapters and they produce similar images depending on the cam, it's how they mount that is different - to my knowledge the pro35 is the only adapter for 35mm dof on 2/3 inch chip cameras such as the hdx900 - where it mounts directly into the lens port. The mini35 comes with different mounts depending on what camera you're using it with - it can dock with the jvc hdv and canon hdv removable lens cameras, but they have a different size lens port so that probably wouldn't work for your hdx900 Otherwise it can mount to the filter threads at the front of the hvx200 (72mm), which you may be able to make work if you can find a lens for your hdx with 72mm filter thread that is equivalent to the long end of the hvx lens (50mm x 2ish = 100mm). Of course you'd end up with hdx900 + 100mm + mini35 + Angi 25-250, so I'd say handheld might be out of the question (or fitting it through narrow hallways). as for the lens - I've used both a cook 20-100 3.1 and an Angi 20-120 2.9 with the mini35 adaptor and both of them have had some fairly significant vignetting (which actually looks really pretty), but i would expect the 25 250 to vignette also My rec would be to get that pro35 from out of state if possible....
  3. Also, beware that HMI's don't behave like regular tungsten lights in terms of amperage - a 1k will always pull 8.3A at 120V (not considering line loss etc.), but depending on the ballast a 1200 can pull between 16 and 20A - so you may end up closer to the limit than you think. Actually I always wondered why they call it a 1200w if it pulls 17 amps (powergems ballast)... shouldn't it be called a 2K? (or a 2040w) Anyway, your '4k' could actually be eating 50 or more amps... look at the ballast.
  4. I haven't even seen Atonement but I'd put my money there - The academy has a pretty strong history of choosing lush period pieces over striking examples of revolutionary camera work. Perhaps the average voter finds it hard to differentiate cinematography from production design. I've given up on them choosing the 'right' film since city of god lost to master and commander (a lush period piece), the new world world lost to Memoirs of a Geisha (a lush period piece), and Children of Men lost to Pans labyrinth (a lush period piece). Now... who's taking bets?
  5. you know, you'd think they'd be giving you dummy load happily, but recently I've had a certain camera house be very stingy with it, despite obviously needing to scratch test the mags... I guess film is getting scarce.
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