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Thomas Bays

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  • Occupation
  1. The only difference in the two series is no Darth Vader Suit and Harrison Ford doesn't grow on trees...the rest is bad timing.
  2. The Opening of Narc almost put me in the hospital. :D I definitely can see some uses, it should be used with some context.
  3. I think his vision is brilliant. We would be creaming over the Yoda-Sidous arena shot if it were someone else. I think people are misplacing dislike of certain characters and editing flaws over actual cinematography.
  4. okay be fair...let ABC have a seat next to the president at the Republican National convention.
  5. I think there are a lot of jealous people out there who are just mad Lucas can pretty much do what he wants when he wants. He is brilliant.
  6. I suggest getting some black wrap an all purpose pocket knife and if you get a TOTA kit be prepared to fix the stands. The stands don't hold up well.
  7. If this was anti Bush Dems would be screaming censorship...amazing. such Hypocrites.
  8. At an a good time tell them to put some drag on the lizzie as you are rushing off to do something else...fun can often begin.
  9. It would be much nicer if we had a Michael Moore movie I guess. Liberals are just nuts.
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