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nick aiton

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  • Occupation
    Camera Operator
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  1. Hey Denis, Do you mean different types of lenses as in different manufactures?? or different types as in Zooms, Primes, etc?? Most lens manufactures have data sheets on their websites to support their different product ranges... or if you do want information on different lenses, from memory the first chapter of "Cinematography" by Kris Malkiewicz and David Mullen ASC should see you on the right path... Hope thats some help, N
  2. Hey Mike, I've not tried this tip yet, but I have been told several times to try using a partially inflated Beach Ball to support the camera on my lap - a bit like a poor mans CineSaddle, but it should help you keep the camera reasonably steady. and obviously make sure that you and the camera are harnessed to the helicopter so that neither of you can fall out!!!! good luck! Nick
  3. Hey Emile, Good work on the video. I really liked the contrast between the cool blue perfomance and the warn sun lit narrative scenes. but I felt your edit followed the slow pace of the song too closely for the first three minutes, Its always really difficult with a slows song becuse it puts a lot of pressure on your visuals! I always say to directors on music videos that pretty much first and foremost we need 'Visual Diversity' - because that more than anything will keep the viewer interested. all the best, Nick
  4. Hey Mike, Some nice work on your reel, but I felt it just took that bit too long to load. You know when your downloading something and you wait and wait and then you just get bored and cancel it, your reel nearly comes into that catagory! So you might want to change the way you stream it.... but I really liked your montage and the only comment I would make is that I would like to see a bit more variety, because from your cv I see that you have shot commercials, music vids and docos so why not show us some of that??? Just a thought...... Nick
  5. Well done Denisse on your first piece of work! Its fairly professional looking for your first video, but next time don't try to do all the technical stuff yourself!! if you pull in a couple of friends to help you with technical jobs, you'll probably see an instant jump in quality in you work!! Being in Jamaica the best tip I can give you is to 'make the Sun work for you', for example the Vocal Run-Through CU shot used a lot at the begining of your video would be greatly improve if you bounced some of the suns rays back into the singers face. This can be done easily with a couple of cheap reflectors. Doing this will allow the viewer to see more detail in the singers face and help balance your contrast ratios. Good luck with your next video!! Nick
  6. Thanks for your kind words guys!! and for your warm welcome Kieran! (You'll be glad to know there is quite a few guys & girls from Donegal keeping the side up, working in the industry here in Glasgow!!) The exteriors were shot on 250D on a bright July morning, so my thinking was to get heavy handed with the ND instead of stopping down... thus getting a bit more 'natural' contrast on the neg.... but to be honest most of the contrast probably just comes from the Baselight grade!!! I'm really glad you guys like it, because I'm quite proud of it as a piece of work (apart from those darn lens flares at the very start and very end!!) Cheers Nick
  7. A new video I shot for Scottish Pop/Folk artist King Creosote. All shot on colour fuji stock and then desat in post.
  8. Hey Guys, I've just shot a pop promo on a GY-HD111, which was my first time shooting shooting on a 720 25p camera. Pretty pleased with the results and the camera - although the lcd and viewfinder are both awful and the Fujinon Kit Lens is not great! I think we got some decent shots...(for a £500 budget promo) Just wish I had a Lighting Budget to light it properly!!! But I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions on our efforts..... http://homepage.mac.com/allmodjohns/thisis...eTheater17.html
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