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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Hi, I am looking for mainly an academic school, but I would really like to at least minor in film. Is there a good academic school with a good film program? Thanks!
  2. I am looking for a good tripod. What are my options? Are there any really good ones? What things should I look for when buying one? ANy help would be nice! Thanks!
  3. What is the best way to sync video in Premiere? I have 6.0 if that makes a difference. I have tryed to just slowly take off a few frames at a time, but I still am nowhere close.... Is there a faster way to do it that I just don't know about? And then... I do not get the differnce between the A/B Editting and the Single Track Editting.... What is the difference?
  4. Anybody got an XL1? The only reason I do not want a XL1s is becuase of $. If you are willing to sell the XL1s for a good price, I will take that as well. Thx!
  5. The movie is awesome. I just saw it a few hours ago. And the filming is incredible. Must see for anybody!
  6. That seems like a good deal. eBay offers them for about $4-5 a piece, usually in batches of 10 if you dont want to buy 50.
  7. I heard that 80% of this movie was shot in a complete green room. That just seems unreal to me. Can somebody confirm this? I thought that it was a good movie, better than I thought the previews showed. It deserves some credit.
  8. "Just saw House of Sand And Fog last night - Wow, what a great film! - One of the saddest and most truthful films I've seen in a long while" I agree. Wonderful, moving movie. It is a must-see in my book and will be in yours if you see it.
  9. I thought the filming was incredible. Though a little shaky, I thought that the angles and the use of the heli was good.
  10. The frist thing i noticed when wathcing this film was the jumpy filming. It was a major distraction for me and my non-filmer friend. So that proves that it was not just us who did not like it. He leaned over and asked if it was supposed to be like that. Sadly, I had to say yes.
  11. Hello, I am wondering what some good DVD burning software is. What does hollywood use? What is a cheap good burning software that has basic features?
  12. I am looking for a good digital camera under $2000 please e-mail me with any that you know of. Thank you iamunder5feet@hotmail.com
  13. Matt


    My budget is $1500 for a new cam. I want digi. Please help me find an all around good camera. thx
  14. Matt

    Canon ZR45

    It is a good personal camera. Not for pro use. Not very good quality, limitted features. It is fine for home movies tho.
  15. I have thought about starting to film weddings. I would do them digital just because of the easy editing and production to DVD and VHS for the client. How much would somebody pay for a service like this? Thanks
  16. I don't mind spending $3000 on the DVX100a, but what about Pans lower models, like the AG-DVC30 or the DVC60? These are a bit more in my price range. What advantages would the DVX100a give me that these others don't? I am tending to lead more towards digital the more that I read. So any advice on a good (Under $3000) camera? I have a few cameras that I have found and I am wondering if anybody has used them and can compair them to eachother. Thank you. Pan DVX100a (For me, this is the most money I can spend.. almost a little too much) Pan DVC7 (I don't like this one because it is 1-CCD) Pan DVC30 \ >I like these two Pan DVC60 /
  17. You asked if Flash could be used. Yes, Flash is a wonderful easy way to make even the complicated titles look wonderful. If takes a bit to learn, but with a bit of practice, very complicated titles can be easily made.
  18. Hi, I am new to filming and I want a cheap (under $3000) camera. I still dont know whether I want a 8mm, 16mm, or digital. I am filming weddings, school programs, and graduations. Quality is an issue, but not too important. So I have a few questions. 1. Should I use film or digital? If I use film: 8mm, or 16mm? If I use film: What are the possible ways of editting? 2. What camera? (Under $3000 would be best) Thank you! Edit: I really want a digital now. I have turned away from Film.
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