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Everything posted by jasarsenault

  1. I will be shooting a DV cam doc in China this spring. I was told I may need power converters for electricity . Anyone know if this is fact, and where I can buy or rent converters? Are they reasonbly priced to buy?
  2. I have a short doc I just finished. How can I get this up on the net? Do I need to pay someone or is there a site that can do it for me?
  3. That was shot not far from my house! Have not see it yet though.
  4. But to clarify... I mean Urban settings, characters, and art!
  5. I would have to disagree with Urban meaning black, although it has become associated with black culture. I have a lot of friends working in "Urban" forms and they are all ethnicities. Again, " Style Wars" is a film about Urban art, and only some of the characters are black. Hip Hop music is an Urban art form is it not? Yet not all people working in hip hop are black. For example, im working on a doc about chines hip hop artists. This takes place in major Urban settings about an urban art. Yet it would not be considered an Urban film? In any case, I think Ill stick to the dictionary version of the word for my own, since there seem to be many interpretations. I see where the term can come about with different meanings though.
  6. Sure, if I have any ideas Ill pass them along. Don't wait to long to move if you are going to do this, time really is running out to collect some of these great WWII stories and facts. Good Luck, and keep us updated. I would love to hear how it goes.
  7. I just finished a doc, and Im starting a new one now. Always looking for Ideas, and that one sounds as good as they get.
  8. So I have just finished a doc I shot on 16mm and finished on Dvcam. What is the best way to guarantee some type of longevity. Should I make a couple DV cam versions to use to make copies down the road or should I just have DVD's that I can dub from. Would it be better to make a Digibeta or Betasp copy just to have to make dubs from this further down the road. My other option was storing the finished product on an external hard drive simply for the purpose of dubbing to any format. I guess my real question is, is there a format I should make sure I have a copy on so that I will be able to make dubs for years to come if need be?
  9. Sounds like the roots of a really interesting documentary! Searching for the footage that your father took years ago, and the stories behind it.
  10. You've got it. I mean Urban as in city. Art and culture that develope in the city and even the city architecture itself. Which is why not all films listed this far were non-white/mainstream.
  11. Not specifically meaning black. As in Urban styles and settings. For example, "Style wars" takes place in New York dealing with Urban art. The artists they talk to are from a variety of ethnicities.
  12. There are so many great ones it will be hard to pick just a few. I just finished watching the doc "Style Wars". Very good film.
  13. Thanks for the reply. Actually, now that you mention that thread I remember reading it. Thanks for the ideas.
  14. I always call. You can give them the stock number and quantity and they can tell you a price including tax. Very quick, very easy. Jason
  15. Does anyone know about insuring equipment for international travel. I am based in canada and heading to China this summer. Looking to insure a couple of DV cams, and some sound gear. Just curious if anyone knows a good company.
  16. A gallery has asked me to help put together a series of films based on either urban settings or about urban topics in general. It can be docs or fiction in which the urban setting is extremly important. I have begun making a list of possibilities, but I was just curious if anyone else had any good ideas.
  17. Can you give some specs on the film? Cam, Film, Process, editing? Just curious!
  18. Thanks for the advice. I never really expected this to happen. I was really excited when I started working on this project myself. I really wanted to Direct this. The problem is there is no way I can find funding besides going through the corporation. Of course, as I said, if they are going to fund it I doubt I get to keep my Director/producer role because I have never done anything of this size. While the money sounds great, I am more interested in being creatively involved.
  19. I normally shoot, Direct, Produce, and Edit my low budget documentaries. The project I am currently working on seemed like it needed some serious funding so I went out looking for money. It turns out that a large television corporation wants to make the project in-house. This sounds good as they have money, equipment, and crew. This is only in the begining preliminary stages. While they have expressed interest, they have not stated my place in the project. What would normally happen to a relativly new producer/director if his project were picked up and given serious funding. Do they make me a co-producer/director, associate, or try and buy me out completly so they can choose the crew? I'll hear for sure in the next day or two, but Im just wondering how much leverage I have owning the project and If I can use it to stay in a creative role on the film.
  20. Try searching for local and national film grants and arts councils. I had a film funded by a local group that finances and develops small local business along with local and national arts council.
  21. It will still look different then film, even though it will be a bit closer. i have shot b/w film transfered and finished on video and video in b/w. I still like the b/w 16mm better.
  22. Looks good. I just finished shooting some 7222. Ill post some stills when I figure out how! Jason
  23. Not to mention that rarely do the colors that appear in film resemble reality!
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