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Toke Lahti

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Everything posted by Toke Lahti

  1. I just need something quick & dirty for rough measurements without white card & real camera. Is this the only one: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/lightspectrum-pro/id468368751?mt=8 Or is there any better? (AM PowerSoftware's LuxMeter had some bad reviews...) I just wish that those kickstarters behind Lumu will take the next step. Now you can choose from $2 app and $1000 meter and nothing between... or is there? Some cheap semi accurate from China would be good enough for me...
  2. The nature of _real_ 16:9 chips has not been that they don't use the full height of the chip. Eg. 2/3" 16:9 chips do use the whole diagonal space which is 11 mm. XL2 do not use the full diagonal size in any mode, so I think it's a bit misleading to advertize it as being 1/3" camera when it newer uses that space. I bought vx1000 -95 and have been waiting for _real_ 1/3" 16:9 chip since then. Now I'm not anymore sure will that ever happen... And why there is not even 1/2 16:9 chips? Why there is A-minima, that has bigger gate than hdcam's ccd, but nothing near that size in digital?
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