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klas persson

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Everything posted by klas persson

  1. As I've understood it the thing use 1/50 shutter speed as deafult. So there shouldn't be any problem. Oh, and everything is lockable I believe, not manual though. 30p and automatic shutter seemed like a useless combination in the pal side of the world but then I read this post in another forum. Got me interested in the camera again. Great for low light situations.
  2. The traditional light bulbs are soon to be illegal here in Europe. Weird but true... Anyway. What is a good replacement for them? I kind of like the set up Roger Deakins likes to use, a custom made light board with lots of bulbs on it. A couple strong ones in the middle and weaker for every ring of bulbs you put around it. You get the picture. A cheap, soft and nice light. Well, what would be a good replacement? Cheap and flexible that is. Is LEDbulbs the way to go? Haven't used them yet. Should test a few to see how they behave. The compact fluorescent doesn't agree with me though. Or should I just stock up some. They're pulling 100w and above 2009.
  3. Well, even though the one pictured seems awkward, heavy and pretty silly you'd need some sort of rig for hand held with one of those guys. And you'd need follow focus. What's the problem? Yeah, of course there is cameras made for motion but at a much higher price. The Canon is much cheaper. And you, Jay guy. "These people shoot with these silly little consumer digital cameras, and put these ridiculous adapters on them" What's wrong with you? Aren't these kind of solutions great? You may think these consumer cams are silly, but you have to start somewhere, don't you? You can't just go and rent a 35mm package and buy some film if you havn't got the money. Adapters are a great tool. And about those "fake" filmmakers that are "trendy" and what not. Do you really think a lot of people will get through the hassle there is to make a movie just to be cool?! That's just bs. Phony... bah! Don't mean to offend anyone, but this thread just made me furious.
  4. Are you guys sure about the lcd viewfinder? I've read somewhere that it was in fact optical. And by the position of it you'd think it's an optical one.
  5. You could probably get it done a lot cheaper if you scanned it like normal 35mm and then spliced the images in a Photoshop macro.
  6. I'm all geard up for this one. May suck though. But if so, in a fun sort of way!
  7. There were this coal mine that was abandoned when coal became obsolete as oil took over as the engery source. another gallery EDIT: I think Battle Royale 2 was set there, havn't seen it yet though.
  8. Ah, so it is quite common then. Hadn't heard of it before. You learn things every day. Thriller, en grym film(Thriller, a cruel picture I think it was also released as in the us...) Under the name "they call her one eye" it lacks the hardcore scenes i think. It influenced Tarantino in some respects when doing Kill Bill. Daryl Hannah's character is based on the one eyed hooker. They called her one eye, than ran for their lives.... B)
  9. Utvandrarna & Nybyggarna (The Emigrants & The New Land) by Jan Troell. Adapted from the novels of Vilhelm Moberg they where filmed back to back. It is not overlooked in the sense that in 1973 Utvandrarna had 4 oscar nominations, one of them best picture and Nybyggarna had the nomination of best foreign film. What's weird is that Utvandrarna was nomiated best foreign film 1972 too and then got the best picture nomination the next year. Has that happened before and/or since? But it seems that it's not that well known other than in Sweden now, but I might be wrong and it is well recognized everywhere. Amazing and beatiful film though, shot by the director himself. I might be wrong but I think the US dvd is dubbed.. But I'm not sure.
  10. The abandoned Japan island of Hashima seems like a good place for post apocalyptic mayhem.. Don't you think...?!
  11. I truly belive one should be open with everything. You learn a lot from explaining things, and probably the one you're learning know something of value too. Open and friendly competition is not just more fun but better for your self. In the long run you loose nothing from sharing...
  12. Check out the trailer for my upcoming short, Crow Girl. It is also on our blog! Both as a YouTube version and as a downloadable h264 version further down. And below that there is also some stills from another short we made earlier this summer, under the topic "Gud i skruven/Satan i gatan". The blog is in swedish though but pics are of universal language... :huh:
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