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Jean Beaudoin

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Everything posted by Jean Beaudoin

  1. I just started processing my E-6 Ektachrome 64T Super 8 films since...1974 ! back when I did B&W 4X and Tri-X Super 8. I have a tank bought in Chicago that holds 1 x 50 feet film and needs 500ml of solutions for each baths. I bought from Kodak a small kit for processing E-6 that makes 5 liters so I can do 10 rolls of film. My first attemp was a disaster for 3 reasons: Underexposed film (I knew it), fogged film while loading in tank( no enough care, some parasite light from under door in bathroom) and very bad drying method. But all the rest was well done and it showed. 2nd attemp was excellent: I shot a test film perfectly exposed with color charts and all: I loaded the film in total darkness, mixed my chemicals in small 500ml bottles, brought the temp to 100F (ideal for E-6) by putting them in the kitchen sink under constant thermometer monitoring, followed the exact times for each bath and TADAMMMM....After drying the film completely in the spiral and rewinding it in a spool I enjoyed projecting it: fine grain, good contrast, exact colors, skin tones, a few drying spots tough...But hey, home movies for a fraction of what a lab will charge you (6$ CAN per roll, beat that !). And also, the magic of the whole process if you have the time....
  2. I am about to shoot a documentary using my NIZO PRO and a HANDY H4 digital recorder. I have not made any sync tests yet but I am sure that within 2min 30secs of film (24fps) (50 feet catridge) when you actually sync it up lets say in a AVID (or a FINAL CRASH PRO) there is no problem at all. If any sync is lost you can easely fix it using PRO TOOLS or even in the AVID with DEA plug-ins like time compression-expansion. All you need is a good old slate Scene/shot/take both visual and audio and Bob's your uncle !
  3. Hi Thanks for the exposure time, what shutter angle is it ? I am about to shoot 200t and 500T using my Nizo Professional and I am concerned reading all of these posted notes! I have shot 64T, Plus-X and Tri-X with perfect results. Are you sure about the limitation of the sensibility wedge ? I am quite sure it reads up to 400ASA. Jean
  4. Hello I am looking for a resolution chart that I could find on the net and print just to calibrate my NIZO Super 8 and make tests, film stock, aperture, etc... Does that exist or will I have to go to Panavision and do it there ? Jean
  5. The Nizo Professional model comes in 2 versions: US model running at 24fps and Euro at 25 fps. Both have pilotone and crystal sync capabilities but do not have built -in sound recording. The Canon 1014 series has all the sound recording devices but Super 8 sound film is no longer produced!java script:emoticon('%3C_%3C',%20'smid_1') If you are looking for a Nizo that has almost all the features of the Pro version except pilotone and 25fps capability, try a 561 or a 801 model: same lens, time lapse features, auto exposure, etc... They are cheaper to buyjava script:emoticon(':)',%20'smid_3')
  6. Hi The NIZO Professional European version shoots at 25 fps with crystal sync and pilotone as well.
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