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Joseph Arch

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Everything posted by Joseph Arch

  1. I think he means the ones that give you a hard time or just plain rude.
  2. The same effect used here It's all clever compositing.
  3. Boooooooorrrrrrriiiiing. People on this forum are so old and dull. Out of date and almost near expiration date. Seriously, you have a problem then PM but dont speak behind my back like a pussy.
  4. People have been PMing me for advice on other things. So you see, no one really cares what you think.
  5. To me it is much more easier because I get to run FCP, Shake, Premier Pro and After Effects, Combustion. I can also run other programes you can't get on a mac. I don't like to work with MACs. Once something goes wrong you have to send it back and it could take weeks or worse months to fix. With a PC I can fix it my self. I also find it cheap more then a mac. Nick is eating his own words right now with hard crusts. He laughed at me when I said I work with FCP in windows. :lol: what a douchebag
  6. FCP can run on the PC along with Premier Pro. You need VM workstation and tiger osx10. You also need 4GB of RAM and a dual-core processor. As for After Effects CS3 statement, I was answering Thomas who said he didn't know if it was called After Effects 7 or CS3. Seriously Nick, you have no idea the things I know and can do. Because I do not know cinematography does not mean I don't have other skills in film.
  7. I am running FCP on the PC and it's damn good!! I think it's called After Effects CS3 with the premier package.
  8. Whats the best programe to deinterlace a video? I use VirtualDub but I don't think it's that good.
  9. Actually Brad, the only person I insulted was you. Because you decided to poke fun at me. You're a sensitive person. Don't hurt you're self. The Beard thing was a tongue-in-cheek. As for everyone else. You can clearly see who started it, yet you still defend him.
  10. PRO35? Do you mean this one? http://www.pstechnik.de/en/digitalfilm-pro35-converter.php
  11. That would explain why some of the other shots I have seen are all or most out of focus and blurry. How would you pull focus to fix it then? Is there an alternative to getting a 35mm DOF or is this the best method?
  12. Ok know-it-all-beard-man Explain this to me. How did he manage to get this look. The Camera has a fixed lens so you cannot change it. I don't know if an adabptor will do the job and bypass the fixed lens. So how did he do it?
  13. @ Brad Why is it everyone is calm when addressing me but you want to be a degenerate prick. You are a steadycam operator. That is all you will ever be. I appriciate all the advice people have given me. If anyone has anymore, please add it. Thanks
  14. I think I am asking the wrong people. I know what I need and I know what I can do. Please don't tell me if I am good or not. I did not prove to you that I was nor did I prove to you that I was not. I asked one simple question. What is a good camera to use for my price range. I want to shoot documentaries and short films. Not a complicated question.
  15. Follow up: What does everyone trust? Canon JVC Sony Panasonic I am looking for equipment that people trust with their lives and would not let them down. Also, would a Film Adapter allow me to transfer 35mm slides or negatives to video, which can then be transferred to my computer or played back on my television? If it can, then I could buy a used arri 16mm or 35mm.
  16. I do know how to shoot and make films. I just cannot tell what someone has used to make what. For example, what do they use to shoot nip/tuck? What kind of cameras, lenses etc... I would just like to know where to get the equipment from. I come from a photography background so cinematography is not an alien form for me. I just dont know where to get the equipment from. What kind of camera I would need, I don't even know where to buy it from. I am look at this camera http://www.visualproducts.com/storeProduct...p;Cat=12#bigPic I can use it to make great looking films with the right lenses, filters and so on. I have also been looking here http://pro.jvc.com/prof/attributes/feature...p;feature_id=01 What I am trying to understand is how do you know which camera to buy. Where to buy it from plus the lenses, filters and anything else. People telling me to read this and read that but no one have given me direct links on where to go. I don't want to go into the technical side of cinematography. I hope that was a bit more clear :P
  17. I changed it. I don't like to give out my name for people to see though. I thought I was more specific but I guess not enough. I want to shoot digital I cannot afford film. I will be doing documentaries, broadcast on TV and short films. This is why I wanted to get a 16mm or even a 35mm digital if that is possible, to shoot what I want to achieve. I want to get as close to a film look as possible. I found a website but I wanted more options and also to know which camera would help me get what I wanted. http://www.visualproducts.com/store02.asp?ID=12
  18. Thanks for the reply but no one answered my question. Where can I buy the cameras from? Which website? I know how to shoot, edit etc... but I am not a cinematographer so the technical aspect is not my job. I want to know where I can buy good cameras from that give me an almost film like look. Something like the www.red.com I was looking at some JVC cameras and they cost $10,000 which is a good price for what look I wanted to get. However, I know there a better ones out there. I have looked through the forum but still cannot find the answer.
  19. Hi I am new here and just joined. I am in the process of learning the baisics just so I know how things work from a technical part. I am not a technical person, I just know what I can to help me. I want to learn about Cinematography and the process one has to go through. How would you get a certain look and feel to a film, what type of lenses would you use, what film stock gives what kind of look etc... I am a noob but still learning. I would like to purchase a good camera with some lenses that can give me an almost film like look. I was going to buy the red.com but as I have read here that they are not shipping them yet. So, I am looking for an alternative. Since I don't know much about the technical side, I wanted to ask for some advice as to what would be a good camera with lenses. My budget is $20,000. I hope that it's enough. I live in the US, Miami. Looking forward to being a part of this great forum B)
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