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Jason Nolte

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  1. I think renting maxi-brutes and putt putts is still the most cost effective way to get a large amount of light.. Easy to source and reliable.. Outside of large, heavy, loud and hot..!
  2. Thanks all! The weight compensation issue on the jib issue makes complete sense. The 'step on' approach might be the most accessible. I assume that's exactly what's happening here: https://www.facebook.com/Behindtheclapboard/photos/a.487828127988958.1073741828.487822951322809/1434127293359032/?type=3&theater I'm curious David- the electromagnet solution you used, I'm guessing that was a custom solution rigged for that setup?
  3. Hi All- Looking for some advice: Have a shot that would be a Ronin / Movi (or possibly steadicam) that would be a follow / tracking shot and that would then quick-attach / transfer to a jib.. within the same shot.. Has anyone done a quick, (smooth) in-shot transition with some sort of quick release attachment / rig? Would love any practical advice / suggestions. Thx
  4. Hi There, I'm looking at picking up an 8x8 overhead, and looking for any advice on which one. How are the American Grip overheads? I've rented I believe a Avenger one before, and it didn't seem the most sturdy. Thx.
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