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Adam Richman

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  1. Any chance of this going back online? Thanks in advance Chris!
  2. This depends what you're doing. I have a 15" 2.6ghz MBP w/4gb RAM and recently cut a piece shot on HD, 720p, and all of the source footage was copied to a 10-drive RAID with eSATA. After much research I purchased the Sonnet Tempo eSATA Express 34 card. I never experienced any problems with this configuration and performed especially well in Final Cut. It adds two ports which can use up to a 10-drive RAID, it was then the best on the market for about $100+. This ~6 months ago. Since then, all of the external drives I've built (I buy my hard drives and build into enclosures so I can choose exactly what drive I'm using - usually either Hitachi or Seagate enterprise quality drives) have ports to eSATA when I'm cutting HD+ for the speed benefits and Firewire 800 for all other uses. Hope this helps. Best.
  3. Best bang for the buck and all around the web well recommended is www.dreamhost.com. Been using them for years without a complaint - great customer service, and they handle everything. Easy to use web control panel and never any downtime. Cheers.
  4. When called for specifically it's always good practice to respond with "go for _____ (your name)" to let them know you're now available and can respond. In addition to calling "copy that", it's also good to repeat what's being asked for. So if you're gripping and you hear on the grip channel "we need a c-stand on standby" you'd respond "c-stand on standby, copy that". This gives whoever called for the stand a chance to correct themselves and for you to make sure you heard them right. That one sentence would save a trip back to the truck and some not-so-nice looks from the AD. To consolidate, I've got: 1 - Production/AD 2 - Private Line 3 - Transpo 4 - Set Dressing 5 - Props 6 - Camera 7 - Electric 8 - Grip Does that look right to everyone?
  5. Never got to see that marquee all setup, but from the last shot it looks awesome! I'll swing by next week and take a look at a cut if I see your cars around. Nice summary of the weekend. Hope Mr. & Mrs. went well.
  6. You mean saw that in my kit :rolleyes: Hey Chris! Hey Tom! It works great, here's a link for the tubes I use (http://tinyurl.com/2xh8t7). What I do is buy the full size 1-1/2" x 15" ones in a pack of 12 from Staples (if you order online it's cheaper and you don't get Staples' stickers on them like in the store). For smaller 12"x12" gels I take a blade and cut the tubes exactly in half. They come with caps which fit onto the tops/bottoms. After cutting them in half I have 2 tubes to fit 2 gels into, caps at the bottom. If I'm using full-size sheets, I simply don't cut the tube in half and use it full size at 15". You can fit roughly 75 gels in a milkcrate this way. I also take two coffee cans (http://tinyurl.com/24k76o) and fit them into the crate full if C47's. All of my CC gels are labeled by 1/4, 1/2, FULL, etc. in one corner (not needed for stuff like white diffusion that I know is 250 or 216, etc.) so that I can tell a newbie grip to go to my case and grab me 1/4 CTB. They can easily find it based on the labeling. And like Tom said, it keeps you organized up-to-date with your inventory.
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