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Dan Witrock

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Everything posted by Dan Witrock

  1. What is the best way to attach the generator to a fire hydrant? From a plant to even a 6500w little guy. Thanks -Dan
  2. I'm shooting a short film soon in the desert and am worried about doing hood mount shots. I'm worried about looking straight into the car in order to get a 2-shot of the driver and passengers in the front seats of a truck and not seeing the camera looking right back at us. Any suggestions? The truck isn't going to be towed, so we can't just create a tent over the entire hood. And I'm afraid a polarizer won't take off much of the reflection being that the camera will be sitting probably in broad daylight or at least hit entirely from the side since we'll be shooting at morning and in the afternoon. I appreciate any suggestions.
  3. Thanks for the advice David. Firstly, as to the soft rubber tires... what type of dolly would fall in that category? Doorway and Hydraulic are both rubber... but soft rubber? Is that more along the lines of a wheel chair dolly then? And as to the anti-vibration mount I've looked around the internet but can't seem to find them. Are there specific 3rd-party companies that manufacture them, or are all the legitimate ones the very expensive ones that are all electronic and hydraulic one-of-a kind mounts used mainly in car commercials and the like. Lastly, I know you've been helping out people on this website for years now, and I never took the chance to look at your work. You have some beautiful images from films you've shot on your website. A lot of great work indeed. I appreciate sincerely the fact you come on here to help out those of us in our earlier stages of our careers. Thank you.
  4. Thanks David. I guess I'm leaning then towards just renting a handful of Chroma 50's then because I'm worried about some of the overhead fluorescents that already exist having a green spike and then others having a magenta spike. And so that kind of rules out gelling the windows with only one color, and also putting a filter on the camera.
  5. I'm shooting inside a high school and was wondering if anyone had any experience as to counteracting the overhead fluorescent lighting of a school as in... other options besides: gelling the magenta or green spikes of the existing tubes OR replacing them with 5600' kino tubes. Any other thoughts?
  6. I'm shooting a short where we need to dolly relatively quickly down a hallway and a cafeteria in a high school. The floor panels look and feel relatively seamless but I'm still worried that a Doorway Dolly or Wheel Chair Dolly will feel any bumps or imperfections. Unfortunately the shot travels backwards and so we cannot lay track. Any thoughts if a Chapman or such would provide enough weight to help make any divets or imperfections on the floor not as noticeable. Or any other options besides a steadicam. Thanks.
  7. That's what I figured. Bouncing it is probably what I'll go for, since I'm sure the falloff must be much less bouncing into either the ceiling or some beadboard than just directly facing a chimera straight at talent. I'm just worried that in this interior setting there won't be much distance between the talent and the background and that it will be a usual cramped apartment space. And so I think bouncing and flagging as my initial intent is the best bet. Thanks for the input guys.
  8. So I'm curious to any ideas for a 3/4 key light that won't fall all over my background. In that case, I was wondering about people's expertise and advice for a light setup with very quick falloff so that it won't travel too far. Personally I keep leaning toward the idea of bouncing an open face into some beadboard. Any suggestions?
  9. I plan on shooting 7231 black and white stock soon, and I was wondering if anyone knew what the latitude was. I tried looking on kodak's site and couldn't find it. I'm going to be shooting almost all outdoors, and a little indoors, and so with the high contrast of sunlight, and I'd really appreciate if anyone knew its latitude. Thanks. -dan
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