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Alex Hall

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Everything posted by Alex Hall

  1. Movies that have been shot in black and white.
  2. I will be shooting a short film in black in white this spring. This will be my first time lighting for black and white. Can anyone recommend any films that have helped them in the past when lighting for black and white. Also any other advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  3. Thanks alot. Ill have to look in to the glimmer glass. I've never seen its effects before.
  4. I'm shooting a black and white short soon, and im looking for a filter that will really cut down the harsh edges of the XL2. Can anyone recommend any filters?
  5. What is the best route to take to become a Cinematographer. Some people say as an Electric because you really get to know what the lights can do. Some say AC because you are around the camera more. Others insist that starting as a Cinematographer is the best route to take. Which is it?
  6. Loved the way the film was shot. The interior of the resturant was very well done.
  7. Looks good. Did you use the same set up as before to get the "TV" effect? Did you use and diffusion?
  8. How do you go about applying nets to the back of a lens? I apologize for the elementary question.
  9. Wow, good work. I really enjoyed the ending. How did you get the neagative image and how did you get the figure with the gun to be all black? I look forward to seeing the 3min short.
  10. Looked great man. How long did it take you to shoot it? Did you have any issues with light loss using the M2? Keep up the good work.
  11. Has any one seen The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford? If so what did you think of Roger Deakins work on it. I assume it looked good, as I'm a fan of Mr. Deakins work.
  12. In my recent reading of American Cinematographer, I have noticed that alot of cinematographers were using the Cooke S4 Primes. I was wondering what made these lenses so appealing and what they have over other prime lenses.
  13. Hi All, I am an aspiring cinematographer and I'm trying to learn all I can about film stocks and thier characteristics. I dont have the means or the budget to shoot 16 or 35. What is the best was to learn about the film stocks out there and what they can do? Thanks
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