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David Rakoczy

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Everything posted by David Rakoczy

  1. Yes, per the rules of this forum, please go to My Controls and change your screen name to your real first and last name. The Members thank you in advance.
  2. er, if you pay for it with a high tax rate why write it as 'free'? The fantastic Italian meal I just finished was 'free'.... Until they brought the bill. You just pay your bill upfront therefore it is all but free. Except if you die then the State keeps your money for 'free' and by free I mean 'free'. Nice attempt to save your self. Hopefully your editing is going better than this conversation. Right now all I am seeing is a bunch of jump cuts...
  3. FREE?... it's hardly free! Talk about misinformation :lol:
  4. Per the rules of this forum, please do not double post. It only wastes the Members' time.
  5. Mr. Bottington, The answer to both of my questions is.. Yes. Absolutely. Denying this fact is ignorance (yes, yours) by it's very definition. ;) No doubt there needs to be some changes to the healthcare insurance/ system models here is the USA. However, the LAST thing we need to do is give all the powers to the Federal Government. This country was founded on a distrust of Government and was designed to keep Government from becoming all powerful and allocated most powers to individual States. Unfortunately, about half the citizens of this great country are now bowed down and worship at the alter of the Tower of Babel we are now building in Washington D.C. Since when did Big Brother become so Chic? ...glad you are happy with your healthcare system.. glad you are not a voting American :P
  6. Then why are Canadians coming to America for healthcare EVERYDAY? Doesn't your Govn't decide who gets what healthcare and when? Absolutely! Aren't there people waiting in line who finally out of fear of procrastinating come to American for their procedures? Absolutely!
  7. Brad, my humble apologies... I mistook your motivation. Please forgive me... tho I can't see how you can feel there are very few far left (?)! Brian.. only you could look at that poll and and say "no, I'm right."
  8. Rate them 2/3s of a stop slower if possible. That will tighten up the grain (if that is what you desire).
  9. Besides changing your screen name as Mr. Regan has kindly suggested..... You can use anything to mark.. a golf tee (tho barely visible and highly NOT recommended)... a small flag... a sand bad.. a human... a crack in the concrete.. a wedge... a stain... whatever. Are you the focus puller? ...I (might) use golf tees for Table Top shots and that is about it.
  10. Give us a break :rolleyes: ... Rasmussen is one of the (if not THE) top rated and trusted Polling Company here in the US. The problem is that (some) of you are so far left that when a man stands in the middle... to you he looks far right.
  11. ooooh. I like the title of this Thread. I love Film :wub:
  12. Per the rules of this Forum, Please go to My Controls and change your screen name to your real first and last name. The Members thank you in advance.
  13. An 85 cuts 2/3 of a Stop.. not one full Stop. I love 7217 but I love 7212 even more. :wub: (sorry 17 :P ) I try to shoot 7212 (rated at 64) whenever possible. Just shot a bunch of interiors with it (of course we had Lamps)... I would shoot the Int on 7217 (or 12 if possible) and the Ext with 7212 as 7212 can render more detail for your Ext shots. 7212 is Kodak's sharpest emulsion.
  14. Per the rules of this Forum, please go to My Controls and change your screen name to your real first and last name. The Members thank you in advance.
  15. Per the rules of this Forum, please go to My Controls and change your screen name to your real first and last name. The Members thank you in advance.
  16. Exactly... so how can Brian say (even mistakenly) most are for 'it'? :rolleyes: We (do) know 'it' will cost well over 1.3 Trillion.... for what ever 'it' is...... :blink: ... and tho no one really knows what is in the Bill(s) and very few Congressmen have actually tried to read any of 'it'... "We gotta hurry and get this thing done now!"... Insanity! Regarding 'Cinematography', I had a great shoot in Orlando a couple days ago and hired David Desio (from this site) as Operator. He did great. Nice Guy!
  17. Can you get those serviced?.. I won one from Fotokem at a DP Dinner.. it began to malfunction... I took it in for service and after a month I was told the company was bankrupt and they just kept my Meter. Easy come easy go :( If they are back and up and running it would be nice to get my (a) Meter returned!
  18. That is not a flare.. a flare will wash out mids and blacks.... those grainy blue blacks and lack of any mid to low detail are an indication of sever under exposure. Sofia... get the book. It may very well be one of the most informative (on this subject) 6 hours you spend. ;)
  19. Sofia... you do not need to use an 85 when shooting Tungsten balanced Film in Daylight. You can add the 85 in Post. I highly recommend this for you: Film Lighting
  20. ..a picture is worth a thousand words....
  21. I am absolutely against this Bill as are most Americans. I just don't want to be painted as saying we shouldn't help anyone.... however, having a spouse who works for Social Security, I can attest to the TREMENDOUS amount of waste of our (hard earned) tax dollars. Example.. you can now file for disability for A.D.D not the A.D.D. you are thinking of but get this... Authority Defiance Disorder... when your boss tells you to do something you get into an arguement and he either fires you or you quit... :blink: If you are breathing you have this disorder (as far as I am concerned).. the difference is (I'd like to say most of us but maybe it isn't most of us after all).. suck it up and do what is asked because we like food in our stomachs and a roof over our head and we like to buy 'things'... actually work and 'earn'' things. The amount of people standing in line with their hands out is appalling! :o ..and to think of the Govn't taking over another 20% of our economy is enough to make most thinking people ill......
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