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Owen ONeill

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Everything posted by Owen ONeill

  1. Ok, that almost made me spit my coffee all over my computer. Hilarious, well hilarious in retrospect, I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time. I wonder how many other film terms would get us locked up or questioned. As far as the original post.... what the deuce do you need a gun at a gym for? I know waits for gym equipment can be annoying but thats going a bit far. Didn't think people in the northwest were packing like that.
  2. You must be joking, Seattle loves independent filmmakers. Its a veritable love fest over here hehe You must be looking in the wrong places. For actors I would suggest checking the local colleges and community colleges. Yeah, your not going to get great actors but for a no budget film your not going to get great actors in any city. For crew I would suggest talking to the people that work or volunteer at the Northwest Film Forum. They can give you some great tips and advice on finding good people to work with (possibly even finding actors). Craigslist is another option, but not the best in my opinion. I see multiple adds per day on there asking for people to work for free. I tend to pass them up in favor of working with people I know (for free). I have worked on many low to no budget productions in Seattle and had a great time, its possible dont give up. If you havent already guessed, I live in Seattle. To the best of my knowledge I dont hate you.
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