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Dax McKeever

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Everything posted by Dax McKeever

  1. Thanks, Brian, for your advice. I'd like to discuss your words of wisdom, if I may. I reviewed your website links to your book and while I am certain it will offer many ideas to unanswered questions, I come from the school of "you learn by experience & work". It reminds me of the books I've read by Bonnie Gillispie "10 Things to Know Before Going Hollywood"; Q & A with many industry elite and others in Hollywood. Such books tend to offer general answers that offer no real solutions. I mean, if it worked then everyone would be successful, right? And if these books were suggested for young readers, which they should be, then they would be much, much more helpful...and college universities might have less attendance in the academic arts taught by artistic teachers, who were unable [or chose not to pursue] real, professional careers in LA, NYC, other. But after five years in LA, I have developed a hardball, honest New York - State of Mind; which differs greatly from my hospitable southern roots in Georgia, Alabama. SO I AM SENDING THIS REPLY BECAUSE I HOPE TO SPEAK FURTHER WITH YOUR EXPERT ADVICE; and you may offer additional guidance that will lead me to be- lieve your book will be unique from the others: "How to make it in Hollywood", "How to become a millionare", etc. PS Behind-the-camera I am pursuing skills of cinematography, which I hope with time & experience will allow me to become independent with my own company. I am more experienced with post-production EDITING, right now, and I hope to find intern/assistance opportunity to gain additional experience; and industry contacts to find work in Documentary film productions. As I said in my prior text, "National Geographic, Discovery & History Channel, would be heaven-on-earth job applications." But without ties, a job in the White House is more possible. If you have not found him already, there is a young man of 16 years with a topic entitle "Film School: yes or no". He sounds like he seeks career advice on not knowing what he wants to do. I hope to speak further with you.
  2. I've heard many experts give the same advice: school is great for academic teachers, but "avoid film school and use the money to do your own". I understand this advice, when it comes from experienced wisemen who entered this [film] career 20years ago. I'm considering fine film schools overseas, because (1) I have limited camera experience; (2) I'm not fond of U.S. 3-4yr education; (3) I feel there's more to learn from a diverse, international atmosphere; esp while I'm young, under 30. I'm interested if you can share your own personal bio on how you found this career, and how you found entry-level opportunity? Thanks in advance for priceless expertise. --Dax :rolleyes: My story: After an undergrad BA from Univ of Alabama-Birmingham, I found myself spending 5 years in Los Angeles. I quickly lost admiration for non-sense Hollywood actors [which are as bad as politicans], and my heart is seeking behind-camera film career. I am considering Documentary Filmmaking toward one-year MA graduate study overseas at UCCA in Farnham, England. And it will cost money but I have also heard I appraisals about NYU's Tisch School of Arts [in Singapore, Asia]. I would really love to spend more time overseas and Travel Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic would be heaven-on-earth; but difficult, I know. And I also have time & study spent in London (UK), Gold Coast/Brisbane Australia, and 6mo in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  3. Hi Sam, Serge has great advice. I am an old(er) student right now, at age 29, thinking about my career path. And am interested in cinematography, filmmaking. I am considering graduate school study at U.C.C.A. in Farnham, England, and I think they have a great film school; you may want to consider it when you turn 18. The advantage you have right now is your young age. Professional companies will be interested to hire you as an intern, because they know you have much to learn and you may also be happy to stay with the film companies [who hire you, as intern] for many years? I certainly recommend a young internship position that will give you an advantage to meet many experienced experts, who you can use as professional contacts in the future. I am also seeking internship experience, and hope I can gain more contacts. Life is crazy and you will learn, only by experience, what you like [or don't] and what you will be happy to do in your life career path. Dax University College of Creative Arts in Farnham, England has a detailed film school.
  4. ...since a number of prominent directors started out making low budget films on their own dime that ended up doing good enough business to become bigger players. I've heard this idea numerous times, and it doesn't exactly hold true when you think about the additional advantages. A family relative? Political film ties? PURE LUCK? Of course, many legendary filmmakers entered this career in a different era; when cinema was deteremined by the 'art of the camera'. Now, [no thanks to the internet] it is more dependent on [positive/negative] publicity & propaganda that sells. I mean, look at the crapp on television and films. And no offense to Mr Scorsesse, who has a large history, but he has much better work in the past than what he won an Oscar Award for.
  5. Thanks Hal, This is priceless! So I hope, anyway. I viewed your link, and am downloading the Avid "free trial offer" right now. Of course anything 'free' has it's fine print complications, and I hope [as a student] I can train myself on this to begin as a professional editor. I'm more familiar with other products such as VideoWave, myDVD, Roxio Media Creator. Any of this familiar to you? Of course I'm aware of Avid and Final Pro but due to my 'student' level of expertise, I don't want to sell an arm n' leg to buy such fancy stuff. But this free trial offer sounds tasty, I just hope it's not a poison apple that they think they can charge me in near future. PS Any advice to give me on seeking intern and/or work opportunity? After five years of LA, Hollywood film trial n' error, I've returned home to Atlanta where I am altering my career path to consider graduate film school [overseas]. Of course, at age of 29, I'm becoming more questionable to academics and more independent to teach myself. Editing seems interesting, but so does cinematography and full doc. film-making. I'm in need of advice from wisemen. Any advice? Thanks again, Dax Jess, let me contact you on the student copy of Avid Express Pro, when I know more details.
  6. Go Irish pubs for BEER, BURGERS, SHERPARD's PIE? (1) Sonny McLane's, Boston Irish in Santa Monica [24 x Wilshire] --it's vip on Boston game days, so become a regular (2) Finn McCool's, pure Irish in Santa Monica along 2700 Main Street --did I say pure Irish? bartender from Dairy, one from Dublin, one from Belfast (3) Father's Office, excellent, excellent, excellent burger bar in St Monica [san Vicente x 10th] --did i say excellent burgers? and bar-made fries? and excellent variety of BEER...too Oh yea, and Bob Hayes says it best: "Hollywood losers will be found in the 'best' bars, while the real beer drinkers go to underground pubs" Once you've been in LA past one year, you will learn how true this philosophy is.
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