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Art Leal

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Everything posted by Art Leal

  1. Thought I'd share a few stills from music video I'm working on for a local NYC musician named Kenn Rowell. The music video was shot in HD with supplemental footage in Super 8. The stills shown are from the Super 8 footage. These were taken with a Canon 814 AZ Electronic, using Kodak Tri X.
  2. Hello James: Has single 8 stock been discontinued? I rememeber reading somewhere that it was. The link provided shows their current stock as expiring on 6/08. Also, does this model camera require separate batteries for the meter? Thanks!
  3. Josh: Some solid advice. I got a lot out of what you told me and am sure to remember it. Thanks for the taking the time..I really appreciate it.
  4. Art Leal

    Adams 64

    Hi Richard. I just tested a Canon 1218 I recently purchased. The exposure was perfect using two Wein Cell batteries. I have problems with a few cams that use the PX14 (which is 3v alkaline instead of the required 2.7). The dropoff voltage affects the exposure radically and quite quickly. I will look into modifying or rigging a way to use the Weins on these. Many thanks Art
  5. Evan: Thanks for the tip on "before getting there"and on the motion following. It mostly comes from doing a one man show (hitting the record button and entering the frame). This doesn't excuse the editing however...I could have made it "tighter". Your suggestion is very helpful to me since many have told me that althoug it's only six minutes, the opening seems like an "eternity". Good luck on your short..would love to see it once completed. Art
  6. I was using a Kenko wide angle adapter that I inhereted from the Panasonic AG-DVC30 (before I sold it...which I regret). I've since heard this lens is a big no-no for the HV20.
  7. Art Leal

    Adams 64

    I have a few cameras that require the infamous mercury 2.7v battery. I was wondering if anyone has used the Adams64 modification on their camera(s)? http://www.film.project-consultant.net/htm...4_new_cams.html thanks
  8. Tony: Hope this doesn't sound like a silly question but on a shipment to the United States, is there any chance that this package would be screened by an X-Ray device? I am also very hesitant on overseas orders due the nightmare of an experience I recently underwent with an order I placed with Super 8 Camera Shop of Germany and U.S. customs. Thanks
  9. Here's a short film I completed recently using a Canon HV20. Comments welcomed. Many thanks for the interest. http://vimeo.com/1141711
  10. Great shots. I literally stumbled onto this show one night and found myself watching till 2am. I can never find out when it's on FUSE, and when I did it was a rerun of a previous episode. Anyway great work. Are your shots in the opening of the show as well? I wish those guys all the best in getting their success back.
  11. Hmm..very intriguing. Just spoke to Scott at Pro8mm to confirm if this is still available and it is...$795. Wondering if anyone has ever used the "Pro814". I read the prior thread regarding this model but in all honesty, without hearing some feedback or seeing some footage I probably would not be inclined to take the plunge. I read the part where they claim the internal daylight filter being the cause for up to 30% loss in clarity. That's something I'd be willing to test with my current 814 by using an external filter (which I should have tried considering the cams age). Thanks for this!
  12. Here is a short sample of my first try of the Kodak 200T with the notch hack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=714k9opYjjM
  13. Just got back a roll of Pro8mm Eterna 500T film. Had them develop it and I telecined it with a Film2Transfer unit. I ran the invert filter on the NLE along with some filters and color curves. I used a Bauer C700 XL and kept the aperture fully opened for all shots. I kind of think it was pretty unscientific, and was wondering if one could expect better or more accurate results with a camera that would meter at least 400 ASA, and if so, would it be better to leave it on auto exposure. Would a non-XL camera that would meter 400 suffice? Would appreciate any input. See the sample link below. Many thanks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5fDiED_tMw
  14. Just bought a Film2Transfer Dual 8 Transfer station. I have about 40 400ft reels of family footage so I thought I'd buy this thing to save some money with the telecine. Here's a link with a clip of Ektachrome 64T I shot last winter. There's a bit of flickering in the beginning, but I adjusted the motor speed to minimize it. Not a professional look, but I thought it may serve for basic transfers. http://vimeo.com/1083425 I used an older Digital 8 cam I have only because it has a 20X optical zoom, and the units manufacturer recommends at least a 12x.
  15. I popped a cartridge in last winter with no notch hack on the 814 AZ..just as is...and shot on a sunny day..it came back very overexposed and washed out, along with a rust like hue. I just shot a roll with the notch hack but am waiting on the PAC Lab to send it out. They have fewer negatives to develop so they wait to send them in batches. Needless to say I'm very eager to see the result. I will post it the day I get it back.
  16. See this uh, "tutorial" I posted. Hope it helps. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrREjEDVPC0
  17. Jim: Thanks so much for this reply. It was your explanation on filmshooting.com that revived hopes for my exploring this stock further. Today promises to be a sunny Memorial Day, perfect to test shoot a roll or two. I will post asap.
  18. I have an Nizo s560 I've yet to test, mostly because I recieved it with defects from the Super 8 Camera Shop that I'm trying to fix. It also has a cigarette smell I can't get rid of. Anyway, for what it's worth, here's a sample of my Argus/Cosina 7310 with some Fuji Velvia 50D. http://vimeo.com/652006
  19. Thanks Erik: I will try one roll this weekend. Half the roll will be with the filter notch cut to allow the 85 to be used, and the shutter set to "open". The remainder I will try with the shutter at half and vary the exposure manually. I'm also curious to see if the higher shutter speed has a bearing on the look/sharpness of the film. I will document it and place it on Youtube as soon as I get it developed. I found a thread on filmshooting.com (http://www.filmshooting.com/scripts/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=19086&p=179923) which says the 200T is speed notched for 160, and will meter at 160 unless the 85 filter is moved out of the way, in which case it would then meter at 100. Either way I'm anxious to try and see the results. I do mostly video work nowadays, but grew up on Super 8. I would love to get to that point where I know how to expose the negatives for varied filming conditions, since I really love the aesthetic of the look it carries. Many thanks again.
  20. Here are two Pro8 films: the Pro8/92 500d and the Pro8/73 500T.
  21. A short time ago I shot a roll of Kodak Vision 200T on a bright sunny afternoon using the auto exposure on my Canon 814 Auto Zoom Electronic. I had it developed at Pac Lab in NY, and had it transferred to mini DV. The results was very overexposed. I was able to manipulate it in post to get it to a decent image, though there's a prevalent a rust-like hue to the footage. My question is should I have used an ND filter? Does anyone have any experience using the variable shutter (the "2" and "4" positions) for this model? Would using the "2" which means half the light being let in do the same as using an ND? Sorry for all the questions. Despite the fact that it was overexposed, thee was a certain quality I liked about it that I had not seen with the reversals, hence I'm very eager to explore this stock to it's full potential. Many thanks
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