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Ed Julian

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  1. Rehi Wake me up, somebody. I KNOW its FUJICA, not FUGICA !. Damned if I didn't catch the typo the first time, then just repeat it. Ed
  2. Hi BC FWIW we have a copy of the ZC1000 repair manual. It's in three sections- first (84pp or so) covers the boy, the second the grip, and the third the lens. We got it when we bought our ZC1000 back in 1980. Our copy is a xerox made at Fugica --they were out of stock on originals ( the note apologizing is still with the docs ) and we were in a hurry. Sigh.. the camera was bought for a project (an SFX camera system; the ZC1000 was to be for previewing/testing ) that was discontinued almost at the start (dammit) because we got swamped with other work. We never ran any film - didnt even buy any! I was TD for an outfit doing SFX for adverts and entertaiment, and designed, had built, and programmed a computer-controlled camera stand - sigh ! The ZC1000 mounted on that would have been a kick! But same deal -- too much work. I did put in batteries when we received it, and ran it for a few seconds just to verify function. I don't recall it being noisy ( also had a Bolex R16 and another Bolex(8 mm). I wouldn't run a cam that I suspected was too "noisy" - noise means A contacting B - and excess noise can mean excess wear or just plain destruction. At the least I'd lift some of the casing off and just eyeball/listen and get a clue. And I wouldn't even run our ZC1000 - other than briefly at 12 fps, for instance, until I'd gone over the thing and/or had it maintenanced by a pro. Why ? Because it's been sitting for 28 years and lubricants can turn to varnish. FWIW2U, the manual is to be sold with the camera when I can figure how to sell it ! HOWEVER! I don't know what the availabiliy of the manual is, and possibly it might be helpful to ZC1000 fans to run off some copies. (Which means I might have to ---arrrrgh!---look at copyright (?) ) Have fun - and be nice to that ZC1000. One reason I've held onto it is that I think its a beautiful piece of work. Ed
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