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Daniel Kim

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  1. Hi, I just purchased a bolex H16 Rex5. I am very excited and want to play with it as soon as I buy some film. I bought it through ebay from a reputable seller who checked the camera and lenses. Everything seems to be in excellent condition. however, some questions have lingered since purchasing the camera. My Bolex H16 Rex5 has serial number 223xxx. It has the 10x viewfinder. I've been thinking about maybe trying to purchase a model in the 25xxxx, or 26xxxx for the better viewfinder (13x) and maybe better build quality. Does it really matter? Down the road I am thinking about upgrading the camera to super16. For now I just want to use r16 and get familiar with the camera. Does the later model number carry any weight? Other than the brighter 13x viewfinder are they better mechanically? It came with 3 lenses. KERN SWITAR 10 mm 1: 1,6 lens. KERN YVAR 25 MM 1:1,1:8 lens KERN YVAR 75mm 1:2,8 lens. The 10mm is not RX. Or doesn't say on the lens. I know the switar RX are better lenses. I am thinking about purchasing the switar RX primes in 10mm, 25mm and maybe a Switar 75mm. I will most likely just sell the ones that came with the camera to offset the costs. I've done some searching on the board but not sure if it is better to get RX lenses or non RX for super 16 conversion. For the record, I've had experience using Arri S and SR/SRII cameras. So I am not new to film, but just wanted a camera I can take with me around NYC and occasionally shoot 16mm film. thanks for any help. Daniel
  2. please keep my account alive as well. thank you
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