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David Cronin

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Everything posted by David Cronin

  1. A friend of mine, who is still in school, is trying to shoot a mars dream sequence, kind of mythical and fantastic. Not going for realism, but more of a kiddy feel. Like Princess Bride. Its a daytime exterior. Any guesses or tips to tweak camera? Thanks
  2. http://www.leavemethewhite.com/caps/index.php Wow, Good site Ram, I have not seen this one. As for the aspect ratio. It's clearly artistic choice. I've seen films that break the the conventions of framing often the key is to be aware of why you are doing something. I find just because a film is heavy in dialogue doesn't necessarily mean that should dictate your aspect ratio. As far as taping the screens of a digital camera, I have done this before... it works fine. Personal in smaller budget work, I find wider aspect ratios to be difficult especially with dialogue. Often times 2.35 is used for pictures with heavier moods and lots of exterior work. Think about the perception of the camera and what its roll is in the film. How do your characters see the world? P.s. I really love framing 4x3
  3. Freddie is right. This seems quite difficult. I know lighting with (7) 6k space lights with just the silk skirt in a row of (4) 10 ft from a screen and 3 about 20 feet from the screen and hung a little lower will give you a 5.6 with an asa of 400. It was laid out as follows and the lights were hung about 40ft from the floor. ___________________________________________ x x x x x x x ASA 400 to 100 is roughly a 2 stop difference. Meaning you will need to provide quite a bit more light. Just rough estimate would put you at about 15 6k space lights to get a 5.6 at 100asa. I really suggest you have a talk with those choosing the film stock, THATs the problem. There is no reason logistically to shoot 100.
  4. I am a little bit confused as to what your goals are. Typically Production comp. don't just produce reels but have a list of projects that have been produced. Are you a DP or are you running a production company you need to organize your website in a way that lets people know what you are selling or advertising. All the best, David Cronin
  5. I would tighten things up a little bit. Make it about half as long. Looked great though. Nice work.
  6. Would be interested in Gaffing. Was wondering if you needed a lighting package or would provide one of your own? Also what are the dates? David Cronin davidcronin@gmail.com
  7. I think we are going to need more of an explanation as to story and character. Lighting is about relationships and ratios. What is the audiences relationship to this character? What is the audiences relationship to the location. The reason why lighting is so creative is because it can and should be different for every situation. Are you shooting on location or in a sound stage? We need to know the situation.
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