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Nick Gardner

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Posts posted by Nick Gardner

  1. don't think that's what he's referring to. I think this is. And this.

    I think the episode was called "Triangle".



    Yup that was it. I actually spent all day today rehearsing a really long steadicam shot. We shoot it tomorrow. Was pretty surprised when I showed up today and found out we weren't goinf to roll today.


    I think you could handle the power issue fine for Red. My Mk-V d-box has four battery inputs, and really I think 3 90wh lions would be plenty.





  2. thanks Tom...


    I think nothing is imposible and as DP we should take the way out..... and WE WILL DO IT... but I need sugessions and solution of problems, I will be spending long hours on post. I know its complicated shooting long 90 mins for any operator....


    The question is why? It's been done, and it's very limiting. The famous X files that was 1 steadicam shot act to act hid I think 2 cuts. Hiding cuts is easy to do, and opens up many more options. From what camera you use, to using locations that are not actually next to each other, the ability to redo one part instead of the whole shot. Plus, your operator will do a much better job.


    It can be done, but I don't know why you would.



  3. Hi Guys,


    I have shot docs on the Red at 4k, but I had an assistant, and a compact zoom. Shooting hand held with the Red is very comparable to shooting on an arri SR -If it is set up the same way. Long Valley Equipment makes a LWS so that you can use the red with 60mm spaced AKS without a base plate. The flat bottom of the camera is just like an SR. Use compact flash cards instead of drives. You get the same amount of time on a 16gig card as you would on a 400' mag. The only real drawback is no fast small zoom exists that I know of, so you are in prime world for available light interiors.


    On shooting 2k - I think the Red is comparable to an HDX900 or Varicam in 2k mode. Plus, you have much more room to manipulate the footage in post than you would in the DVCPROHD codec. Also, Red in 2k can shoot up to 120FPS, which the F900, HDX900, and Varicam will not do. The Red footage does not suffer from the compression artifacts and banding that the DVCPROHD footage does. Also, you don't need S-16 lenses, 16mm lenses work fine for 2k. If your final output is TV (HD), 2k is fine.


    Do some tests, you may be surprised.




    Nick Gardner

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