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Tomas Koolhaas

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Everything posted by Tomas Koolhaas

  1. Hi, I just saw Hard Candy yesterday (On DVD) and thought it looked AMAZING!!! very much the style I try to aspire to. I was wondering if anyone knew how it was shot (lenses, stock, process etc...) I saw what looked very much like anamorphic flares throughout but it says it was shot on Super35, can it be they added these flares digitally (I know its possible but seems like a lot of work just to make flares look anamorphic). I am very impressed by the look they achieved, the very subtle camera moves, very purposeful framing which enhanced the emotion/suspense and the very extensive use of close-ups was very affective. I like close-ups a lot and feel if you need to really feel what someone is saying, seeing things in the background/surroundings often just detracts from what they are saying. I would like to know what everyone else thinks. Cheers.
  2. Hi, I dont know about students but I did a tape-to-tape HD color correction there and it turned out well, the guy was cool and he was fast (which was good because we were on a very low budget). Cheers.
  3. Anyone.....no....oh well, we will just have to wait till I get DVCAM copies then...unless someone can tell me how to import a DVD into final Cut....anyone.....
  4. err...yeah, the only problem is right now I only have a DVD copy of our Telecine footage, I dont know how to export still frames from a DVD...I know if I could get the DVD footage into a final cut timeline I could do it, but I cant seem to import this DVD into final Cut (I only just started using final cut recently)...If someone could tell me how, I will post many frames on here and be eternaly greateful, as I have wanted to do this for a while but could never figure out how (I know it's possible because I have imported footage from a DVD before but the ones from the telecine house don't seem to work with final cut). Cheers.
  5. I just finished a short on super16 on eterna 500T, I overexposed a stop (rated at 250) and pulled a stop. The Director wanted a very low contrast slightly desaturated pastely look, thats why I did the pull. I really liked the effect, it gave the highlights a bit of a nice softness to them which I liked as well. The blacks were pretty milky though so we ended up bringing them down a little bit in certain shots/scenes in telecine (still had a very low con look, but just a bit less milky). Hope this helps. Cheers.
  6. I guarentee you I'm not the only one here who wants to see it.....How bad can it be?? I bet its quite good and you are just being hypercritical of your own stuff, I saw some stills you posted ages ago of a S16 project that looked pretty good..... C'mon lets have a look Phil....seriously it will be a freeing experience for you, conquer your demons! Cheers.
  7. Hi, I dont have an agent but know numerous people that do...It varies massively from agent to agent, some are pretty useless, others have got people I know LOADS of work they couldnt have got themselves, I suppose it varies from country to country too, a mate of mine in the UK has had numerous agents and they got him 0 jobs and just mooched of the jobs he got himself. Whereas I know people in LA who rely solely on their agent to get the work and work regularly (they are not well known or anything either). It depends but usually is not a free ride to success or lots of regular work. There is a manager aswell which varies from an agent, im not sure exactly how, but some people have told me is way better than having an agent?? I would like a GOOD agent (I wont settle for a lazy mooch just so I can say I have an agent) but I am quite a tough negotiator so unless a good one comes my way I will keep hustling for myslef. Cheers. Phil, Is your reel online? I would like to see it. Cheers.
  8. Hi, Getting back to the original point....I think your assertion is valid, that you paid for this knowledge so why should you share it for free (especially with people who cant even be bothered to find out the basics for themselves)....However I do think it is a bit of a Miserly and ungenerous outlook, for example, if you really feel that way why do you use this forum?...isnt that what the point of this forum is?...people like David Mullen etc... who have vast technical experience sharing it with people for free? If Mr Mullen fealt the way you did he probably wouldn't answer half the questions he does. The second element of your point was that these DP's might be challenging you for jobs with the knowledge you gave them, this too is somewhat valid but seems a bit insecure to me (no offense), doesn't anyone in your field technichally present competition for you (if they live in your city at least) so cinematography teachers at school (like Mr Rhodes) who are also working DP's are, by that same logic, undermining there own job prospects by teaching the students well. I dont have many friends who are also DP's (I cant stand the arrogant bastards jk) but one of my best friends is a DP. I have shot a lot more projects than him, and he grips a lot to make a living between shooting projects, so I have given him a lot of advice about lighting, processing, exposure and funny enough about how to use the F900 menu's as well. We go for many of the same jobs (we know a lot of the same people) but this doesn't deter me from giving him totally honest and helpful advice anytime he asks for it. The reason for this is twofold, firstly I feel confident that the advice I'm giving him doesn't constitute what MAKES me a good DP, it just some technichal knowledge that ALLOWS me to be a good DP. No matter what I tell him he will still be him and I will still be me, and Producers will select us on the basis of who they want. Secondly since he grips a lot on big budget projects he gives me advice on high-end Gripping/distribution equipment which is something I dont get to use much (shooting mainly lower-budget projects) and so don't have as much knowledge about. I think my point is that any exchange of info. is usually a two way street and even if it isn't it shouldn't mean that you are scuppering your job prospects by helping someone out with a bit of advice (its not like you came in on set and lit a scene for them....that would be crossing the line). Also, you were saying your mate used the varicam a lot and you the F900, he asked you for advice and used the F900, but you didn't use the varicam, if you had dared ask him a few questions, like he did you, maybe you would have fealt secure enough to take the Varicam job next time. Bryan, I dont mean any offense by any of this it's just my opinion, Im not calling you a miser or insecure, I just disagree. Cheers.
  9. Lets not even let this become a FIlm Vs Video debate (there is really no point in that debate at all...EVER) In terms of a shot/film looking "Videoish", I dont neccesarily see that as a bad thing, for example in collateral there were many shots that were obviously Video, but were really nice and enhanced the story due to that specific look, I think I know what shot Mariano was reffering too (the guys running in a line holding torches?) but I wouldnt say it looked "Videoish", the whole thing seemed very crisp and grainless, so in a way you could say the whole thing looked digital, but the skin tones, highlights, and movement seemed far superior to "Video" (HDCAM etc..) but did look different from film, so I think a better term would be it looked "Digital". Cheers.
  10. Hi, I think this looks AMAZING! I would not class a single shot as looking at all "Videoish". I cant wait to see it now, even if the story isnt all that the cinematography is worth watching alone, by the looks of the trailer. It looks crisp and grainless, but in a really good way!! Cheers.
  11. Hi, I am shooting a comedy short on the JVC hd-100 this weekend, the director wants a Fish-eye lense look on a couple of shots, but cannot afford to rent an actual fish-eye lense, he has the wide angle converter for his stock lense but even with this the effect is not pronounced enough...so my question is, can this effect be achieved in post without degrading the image so much that in the event it gets into a festival it wont look even worse when projected. I am guessing a program like after effects may work???....any thoughts would be much appreciated. Cheers.
  12. usually when you remove the diffuser dome you need to replace it with flat disc (similar to the dome but flat) this varies from meter to meter of course. When using a flat disc instead of a diffuser you usually want to aim it directly at the source you are trying to get a reading of, because it takes a more directional reading (because its flat). This is similar to when you see people using their hand to block certain sources and pointing the dome at one specific source. I've even seen people with meters that couldnt remove the dome build a small black cone onto it so it could take more directional readings!
  13. Mate, Be careful...that doesn't sound very smart..Nigeria is in Africa and Jamaica is in the west indies, the accents sound NOTHING at all alike, the only similarity is that both countries are majority black populations, don't lump the two together, it's not accurate and doesn't reflect well on you. Cheers.
  14. Andy, What?? bigotry, you have got this backwards my man..."not every chav is a cowardly criminal" -you seem to be confused, all working class kids who dress a certain way aren't Chavs, some of whom are cowardly criminals, only cowardly criminals are called Chavs! most of whom happen to be working class kids. As I said I went to a rough school and got into many scrapes when I was young, but I was never a chav because I never was a cowardly pointless nuisence, the point is it is impossible to say Chavs aren't "cowards, stupid , or criminals" because only people who fit those descriptions are defined as Chavs...you get me? Also, Daniel you must be confussed, Chavs dont speak with Nigerian accents, not many people in London do (outside of actual Nigerians) some poeple use Jamaican slang, but most people in london do, I know I still do; "Wicked", "safe" "bate" "aggy""blood"and "bredrin" are all slang terms derived from Jamaica, I dont know one person from London who doesnt/hasn't used some of them frequently at some point (and thats what Ali-G incorporated into his "act", nothing at all to do with Nigerians). Cheers.
  15. No-one knows were Chav originated from, here are two possible explenations I found: "So, who coined such a sneeringly useful term? Well, the pupils of Cheltenham Ladies College, apparently. Rumour in the town has it that chav is derived from Cheltenham Average, the name given by the young ladies to the less-eligible young men of the town." "Most likely the term `chav´comes from the Spanish `chaval´ meaning `guy´, `kid´(in the sense of bloke, chap). Probably the disco-going British on Ibiza picked it up there." I also heard a term "Charver" a while ago that basically meant the same as Chav. so it could have just been abreviated to Chav??? Ali-G mostly pokes fun at white guys who mimic jamaican slang/culture, I believe the term "Wigger" is used to described their type in the US, there's no particular name for them that I am aware of in the UK, Chavs are mostly white and dont particularly pretend to be any other race or culture, they only attempt to be as unpleasent as humanly possible.
  16. I think people are getting confussed about what a 'Chav' is. The term 'Chav' doesn't articulate someone's income or even class status (although most Chavs are poor and working class) it is based on attitude, clothing, speach and behaviour....most poor young males in the UK aren't chavs...but most Chavs are poor young males....anyone can be a chav (hence the inclusion of Mike skinner and other rich celebs. in the chavlist on chavscum) if you wear only burberry, sovereign rings, get your 15 year old girlfreind pregnant, rob old grannies and commit sensless crimes like vandalizm and hang out all day in the streets making a nuisance of yourself instead of going to school you are defineatley a Chav. It is hard for Americans to really grasp what a Chav is, there is no American equivilent....England has a very distinct subculture of thuggishness which is not limited to the periphery of society (Criminals) but engulfs a large part of the youth culture in the UK, it is not about mimicing any other race or culture (although many chavs use a lot of Jamaican slang) it is about a general lack of intelligence, class (not in the heirarchichal sense) culture and honour (chavs always commit cowardly crimes; jumping someone or robbing old people) that the english acceptance of casual violence seems to breed in many of the young people. I used to knock about with some very dodgy characters and went to a rough school, and got into my fair share of scrapes (you can hardly avoid it in London) so at times people may have called me a Chav, but I never used to commit senseless cowardly crimes that are the calling card of the Chav, or wear sovereigns and burberry, also the term Chav. never existed when I was a teen, we used to call them "Street rats" because of their vermin like actions/behaviour and the fact that they were ALWAYS on the street up to no good no matter what time/day it was. The expensive clothing doesn't mean they are rich either, if you sell drugs or spend your entire dole check on clothes you can afford a fair bit of designer clobber. Cheers.
  17. If anyone wants to know what a "Chav" is just go to www.chavscum.co.uk -it's hillarious.
  18. ..and in the fifties people thought we would be teleporting everywhere by now...my car still seems to work fine though. Also Jan, I think It's a mistake to personally insult people (like you did mathew) on these forums, for one it is extremely cowardly to be tough on a keyboard when 9 times out of 10 you would be quiete as a mouse face to face, and secondly, unless you know someone, how can you know they dont "Create" anything. I suggest you Loose the high and mighty attitude, I have never heard of you either, but I dont assume you haven't done anything worthwhile because of that. Thirdly, trying to talk down to people while hyperbolically stating your own credentials only makes you seem insecure, or to put it another way "trying too hard". Cheers.
  19. Hi, These shots look good but I for one would like to see examples with more contrasty lighting, maybe a face sidelit by a window, which is also in frame. This may be more useful in showing the kind of scenarios we will face on day-to day shoots. Cheers.
  20. Mitch, That sounds great, but how about us in LA, can you have a word with the LA branch and get them to do the same?.....if not, I might have to spring for a ticket to NY..or the LA branch could have a seminar too, that would be way cheaper for me ; ) Cheers.
  21. Cheers Rik, The fellow LTR man to the rescue....Yeah I saw after my post a picture online of the Bogen plate that usually comes with both screws, but for some reason my mate's only comes with the 1/4-20 one, there isn't even a bigger hole on his for the 3/8-16 screw.....wierd, I geuss I will just try and find one of the other plates....or just get the fisher 11 haha....But yeah I figured it wouldn't be great handling the LTR but it's nice to know from someone elses experience, I only used it for the XL2 etc.... I usually rent an O'connor for my LTR but the producer of the next shoot I am doing is pushing me hard to try and save money anywhere I can...hence my mate's 501 coming into the equasion....He'lll just have to cough up for the O'connor I think. Cheers.
  22. Hi, My friend has a Bogen 501 head tripod and I have an Aaton LTR, I wanted to put my Cam. on his Tripod but his plate has a pesky little 1/4-20 tie-down-screw for DV Cams. Does anyone know of a way to mount a plate with a 3/8-16 Tie down onto the 501 head, and do you think it would take the weight???? (I assume it would, I have had XL2's loaded with all kinds of heavy accesories on the 501 and it was fine). I may be way off on this, but I was just wondering if it could be done... Cheers.
  23. Hi, Personally I find "focus assist" functions -those kind of Picture-in-picture enlargmenst of part of the frame, of limited use, for example if you are panning and racking the P.I.P is often detrimental to your camera move as it throws off your framing. Whereas peaking has saved my arse many times, and doesn't change the frame in you EVF, if it wasn't for peaking the Pro-35 set-up with the F900 would almost have always resulted in soft images for me. I shot/directed a short with this set-up where we had insane racks back and forth where the DOF was too shallow to measure accurately with tape measure and marks on disk, but using the peaking my operator got it sharp every single time (he is very skilled though). My point is I would MUCH rather have peaking than some P.I.P type focus assist enlargment function that interferes with the framing. But that's just me...what would you chose if you could only have one Phil??? (peaking I pressume?). Cheers.
  24. Hi, Whatever, I'm done with this topic, don't throw around slanderous terms for effect, it's not wise. And BTW asking a rhetorical question is the same as stating something directly eg: If I asked you "Are you a prick?" it would be no different from me saying "you are a prick!" just a little more cowardly. Also, I never agreed with Max Jacoby about anything on this thread, I was responding specifically to your careless insinuation that Max was Racist (not a term ever to be used carelessly). Later....enjoy your silly little slanging match.
  25. Mate, Lay off the politicaly correct nonsense, does that make you feel pious or more progressive to use simplistic terms to attack someone who clearly doesn't deserve it, yeah maybe Max could have been a bit more understanding of Emanuel's extremely unorthodox use of english, but still do not call him a racist!!!, this is a public forum and that could affect people's perception of Max, in turn hindering his career, therefor you are actually breaking the law by accusing Max of racism without basis, and Max, if he was so inclined, could take legal action against you....choose your words more wisely pal...and dont play politically correct one-upsmanship on threads that are about Cameras, not who is the most understanding and accepting and therefor progressive and clever. Branding people with simplistic terms such as Racist is neither progressive nor clever. And for the record apart from you and Hal I would bet not many people can understand Emanuel's posts, that doesn't mean he is in any way intelectually inferior to anyone, it is just a fact dictated by his use of syntax. But that doesn't mean he should stop posting, in fact if he posts more and people correct his mistakes (instead of pretending they dont exist to seem liberal, progressive and pious) his english will improve very quickly. BTW I know this to be true because English was not my first language, I was taught Dutch by my parents then learnt English from the kids in my primary school in the UK..if they had pretended to understand me I would still be speaking broken English myself. Cheers.
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