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Kemalettin Sert

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Posts posted by Kemalettin Sert

  1. 6:5 is gonna be new 4:3 in future.

    from ALEXA SXT Faq;


    6:5? What the hell? I thought you needed 4:3 for anamorphic?

    The 4:3 aspect ratio was originally left over from the film days, and now has been put to good use by VFX-heavy feature films. Anamorphic lenses don't actually need the full width of the 4:3 image; they squeeze the 2.39:1 image by a factor of 2, and the resulting area used on the sensor has a 1.195:1 aspect ratio, which is roughly 1.2:1, which is 6:5. When shooting with anamorphic lenses in 4:3 sensor mode, you always have to crop the extra area to the left and right of the image in post, an extra processing step that is avoided by shooting in 6:5.

    In the ALEXA XT cameras with SUP 11 we have introduced this mode, however, there it was still called '4:3 Cropped', but that is the same thing as the ALEXA SXT/SXR 6:5 sensor mode






  2. Alexa all of the way! It is a better camera with a better workflow and has a much more organic image. The Red is a cheaper camera with an outstanding marketing effort behind it but is in no way as effective or user friendly as the Alexa. Let's face it... Arriflex has been around for over 60 years with experience backing them up while Red is a newer, prosumer camera system that is flawed. That is my professional opinion and let the debate begin...



    You saying Red should stop making cameras and left that one to Arri which is in the market more than 70 years ?

  3. How the hell Hoyte Van Hoytema got the job for The Fighter (Weinsteins) directed by David O'Russell.He didnt shot anything unique until that time? Btw Same director David O'Russell hired Linus Sandgren for american hustler which he s mediocre dop nothing special.

    Why Wally Pfister choose Jess Hall to photograph his first feature.

    If these guys shot big budget movies without long list of very well lit composed features, anyone can be DP on Nolan's next movie.

  4. I know there are some DP's like Robert Richardson who always have a walkie/headphone/mic set-up on so they can communicate with the gaffer, key grip, and AC (he usually operates and is sometimes up on a crane, so this makes sense.)


    I haven't gotten into that habit except for an occasional shot, like when I'm on a camera car and the operator and AC are on the process trailer. I tried early on to whisper into an operator's earpiece to correct the framing, only to find that he'd made it worse -- I'd say "put her more frame left" and he'd think I told him to pan left, which is the opposite. Anyway, I find it a bit of a distraction during a take to be dealing with a walkie-talkie, and during a set-up, I have all of the keys in earshot so I don't need it. Besides, most people on set during a take have to turn their walkies off or way down anyway, so trying to use one then is asking for trouble.

    came here to say Bob Richardson.Also i saw chivo wearing headphone/mic on birdman bts.

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