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John Parry

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Everything posted by John Parry

  1. I'm thinking, prequel to the Lost TV series. I'm thinking, a load of people on a commercial flight travelling from some place to some other place that isn't the place they originally got on the commercial flight. They're generally just sitting there on a commercial flight feeling a touch maudlin due to the amount of time they've been just sitting there. Some may sleep, others may not. I'm thinking, Emily Watson in a cow-girl outfit. Nothing to do with this film, I'm just thinking it. . . . . . I'm still thinking, Emily Watson in a cow-girl outfit. Bear with me. . . . . . Part way through the flight, Dave wakes up and realises that he's travelling on his private jet and that he's actually on his way to Vegas for a lovely weekend. This scene contains the only dialogue of the whole film because I'm brave like that. Slow fade to white...or possibly to an off-mauve type colour with green speckles in it. I'm still a bit blurry about the fadey bits at the moment. It's called EXTANT, or EXTANT!, or EXTANT?. I'm thinking, Emily Watson in a cow-girl outfit.
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