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BC Rice

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  1. Hopefully the seize and take down of MEGAUPLOAD will be a sign of things to come. We only had stupid SOPA and PIPA because the Feds weren't doing their jobs (effectively). Hopefully sites like rapid share and media fire are soon to follow. The only problem I had with the SOPA debate was all the little 15 year olds chiming in on it. There's a reason why a child living in their mom's basement isn't allowed to vote on anything better than a grade school election -- because they have no concept of what it means to actually live in the world where people earn things. There's also this creepy manifestation that seems to be taking hold wherein people are behaving as if the Internet has anything to do with freedom. The Internet has nothing more to do with free speech than does a stripped pole on a party bus. It's completely unrelated. YouTube is a place of business, as is MSNBC.com or my own website. If these websites do not act within the law (or are run by those not acting within the law) then they need to be seized and shut down. But if YouTube is shut down, it has nothing to do with your rights. Megaupload being shut down has nothing to do with anyone's rights except for the site owners -- who are under indictment on a myriad of charges, just one of which is piracy.
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