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Rob Rosenbaum

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Everything posted by Rob Rosenbaum

  1. If you don't want to buy 100' at a time, 5222 is available in 35mm rolls from these two sites: http://filmphotographyproject.com/store/35mm-bw-eastman-double-x-5222-1-roll http://www.labeauratoire.com/film/EXX/EXX.html UN54 and UN74 are also available at labeauratoire, and, if you really want to experiment, filmphotographyproject has some Kodak print stocks for sale.
  2. There's a significant weight difference between a REX-5 and an H-16S, which I would have to attribute to the magazine bracket. It's fairly substantial. The handle is attached entirely to the bracket, so that would come off as well. The weight difference would be worth the trouble if it could be done or undone, DIY, before a day of shooting. If it requires a professional, I'll just live with the weight. Add a few more push-ups to my daily routine.
  3. Sorry, I worded my question poorly. I know how to remove the magazine. But on the top of the camera's body, under the magazine, is a solid metal piece that is screwed into a standard pre-REX5 body. I was wondering if I could remove this metal piece from the body, leaving me with, basically, a REX-4, albeit with a hole in the top.
  4. For an upcoming shoot, I'd like to make my REX-5 lighter by using daylight spools and dismounting the metal bracket on top - that thing that separates a REX-5 from a REX-4. It's a lot of metal, and adds a lot to the weight. From the looks of it, all I would need is a screwdriver, but those sound like famous last words.
  5. _Requiem for a Dream_ - Matthew Libatique I've only rented the blu-ray, but I imagine the DVD will have the same features.
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