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Dotse Stein

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About Dotse Stein

  • Birthday June 9

Profile Information

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  • Location
    New York, NY
  • My Gear
    Canon Mark III
  1. Good thing you mentioned the "DP with this or that camera" issue. I personally believe every artist has his or her point of strength and for me, it's fiction with a gloomy touch, so collaborating with a DP who's specialty is setting up stage for romantic scenes or westerns, would sensibly hinder the work. Nevertheless a DP with camera and lightning tool is always a plus. :D
  2. Interesting. Thanks Adrian. I'll look into it.
  3. Thanks for the quick replies, guys. I should have mentioned it early that I live in New York City. My apologies. When I said, in house, I meant as part of the production team and professional image of the group. Many indie companies seem to have this, but since I have never worked with a cinematographer before, I'm not sure how to proceed. Thanks for your input.
  4. Hello guys. I've been writing and shooting personal videos here and there, but have decided to venture into the short film and eventually feature medium. Since my budget is minuscule, I constrained myself to shooting digital. As of late, I've created a production company to better address my business needs. My question regards how I can go about bringing a cinematographer on board, like an in house one, since most are freelancers.
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