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Uwe Pfizenmaier

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Everything posted by Uwe Pfizenmaier

  1. Hey all! In the book Practical Cinematography by Paul Wheeler, it is written that depth of field calculations should be based on a 1/2000? circle of confusion when shooting Super 16 for blow-up to 35mm as opposed to e.g. 35mm for theatrical release at 1/700?-1/1000?. (p.99 ff) Is that assumption of the circle of confusion true? Mr Wheeler states that 35mm is about 2.5 times sharper than 16mm film projected to the same screen size. Taking the regular circle of confusion of 35mm at 1/700? and dividing it by 2.5 we end up a around 1/2000?, which is necessary to make 16mm projected on 35mm ?as sharp as? it would have been shot on 35mm originally. Is that theory correct? Can somebody help me to get that straight? Thanks a lot!
  2. Hey all! I need to digitize some material shot on a JVC GY-HD100 in 720 25p. I have access to Pinnacle Liquid 7, which can handle 720 25p (other than many editing systems such as Final Cut or Avid), and to the Canon XL-H1. Is this camera able to output 720 25p footage to a PC without any kind of conversion? Is the 25f mode any similar to 25p? Thanks a lot for any advice! - Uwe
  3. "Film Is Dead!" was a banner headline on page one of Daily Variety in 1956 when videotape was invented! Funny that it´s still around, ain´t it... ;) All best! - Uwe P.S. 5-6 more years till video cams reach film quality levels. 15-20 years (or even more) later, till digital cinema will be standard (or do you really think, a local movie theatre e.g. in Vladiwostok will be able to afford digital projection next year?)! :blink:
  4. Hey everybody! I´m shooting a short film on S-16 soon, which is gonna be blown up to 35mm (the optical printing process). Any advise or ideas other than keeping the light contrasty to distract from the boosted graininess? Unfortunately I can´t think of anything else... Do you? Thanks for the input! All best! -Uwe
  5. Hey everybody! I´m looking for detailed information on the procedure of the blow-up from 16mm to 35mm. Unfortunately I couldn´t find much on the web, the only solid guilde is published by DuArt NYC. The rest is pretty sketchy. I´m looking for details of the technical background, procedures in the lab as well as precautions before and during shooting 16mm for 35mm. Since I´m from Germany and I don´t have the ASC Manual (I should, I know!): does it deal with this topic? Any other professional resources available on the web or in the library? Thanks a lot for any help in advance! Best regards from Berlin! - Uwe
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