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Julien Stanford

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Everything posted by Julien Stanford

  1. Handbreak is free PC/Mac/Linux. http://sourceforge.net/projects/handbrake/ H.264 is compatible with most computers, phones, and table top media players. It offers the best quality to size without needing any special codecs.
  2. I'm just a hobbyist, here to read/learn about beautiful high-end gear. This seems like a great post, don't know why more people haven't been sharing. https://instagram.com/postwo You'll find images of my wife and I either in China or The States.
  3. I saw the post about Canon's new C700x, and thought to myself I would like to read that brochure. Next thing I know the post was removed. I started reading the brochure, but didn't save it. What are the chances someone could email me a copy? Or, when do you think Canon will re-release the brochure?
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