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Daniel D. Teoli Jr.

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Everything posted by Daniel D. Teoli Jr.

  1. If you need VHS static for any projects, I have lots of them. I put a few up at the I.A. and will add more as I get time to cut them out. Internet Archive Search: vhs static teoli
  2. eBay: Fair Use Too bad more people didn't archive camera / cine' stores from their heyday. Now you search and search and are lucky to find a crapper photo on eBay for $25. Well, I can't complain much. I never took any photos of them and was around them for decades. Hell, I could have made a nice little archive just from picking up old camera / cine catalogs for free! If you see something interesting...Archive It! Take some photos. You are already there, so why not? You never know when it will disappear, and your photos may be the last extant images of it for the historical record. DDTJRAC ...Oh...one other thing. Do a decent job. I've noticed some cinematographers do crappy still work. It is like they dismiss it as 'snapshots' and only put effort in cine' work. Have some pride in your work. Don't produce shit for the historical record.
  3. I had forgotten I had nearly a hundred old school Chinese / Asian / Oriental kung fu movies. They were packed away in storage for almost a couple of decades and just found them a few weeks ago. That was what spurred my Shaolin Popey II: Messy Temple post. These old king fu movies were made all over the place...Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and some other places in the Orient. I like the old school kung fu movies because they were raw and the people making them worked uncensored. Being underground myself, I don't like censorship. Take this film Kids from Shaolin (1984) Kids From Shaolin Clip 1984 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive The dad of the Wudang clan (latter called Wutang in America.) has 10 daughters. Across the river, the Shaolin Clan has 10 boys. They continually try to get together in the film, as boys and girls usually like to do, as it is nature's way. (Well, it used to be anyway.) The dad of the Wudang clan is desperate to have a boy. So, the old mom pops out another one and boom he get his boy. The dad is so proud he lifts the baby in praise and starts sucking and kissing the babies pee-pee. And not once or twice but a number of times. I didn't put it in the clip above. I don't know if you could and not get legal hassles. Just no telling what they consider as kiddy porn nowadays. Especially in conservative states. Anyway, point is, the Chinese / Asian / Oriental moviemakers are on a different wavelength!
  4. The image extends over to the edge on the right. Was it blackened in processing or film production? Why were circles left open? Did the lab blacken both sides of the film? What is the purpose of blackening the edges of the film? They had a lot of wasted real estate back in the day with 16mm. The blackening process would be welcomed if one was scanning with a Retroscan. (It works better with black edge film.) Agfa used some beautifully tinted leader when processing. (No explanation needed...but feel free to add comments.) This the real stuff. Looks to be shot and processed in Europe. I didn't acquire it. It is not that $$, but I'm shutting down the film Archive for majority of new acquisitions. Just too much hassle with scans. Photos from eBay: Fair Use
  5. An eBay search of "I Speak Fluent Movie Quotes T-Shirt, Theatre Shirt, Womens Drama Top, Nerd" will bring them all up. They got tons of styles. Don't you wanna be a nerd?
  6. Here is a 2nd clip...from Messy Temple of the little monk breast feeding for a fight. (Also, I think these films were made in Taiwan and not China...but not sure.) Shaolin Popey II Messy Temple Breast Feeding Clip 1994 : D.D.Teoli Jr. A.C. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive It starts out with a short clip of the monks trying to leave the Shaolin Temple to save the old Master from being killed in an electric chair. To leave, they have to fight. Then it fast forwards to them trying to save the old Master from being electrocuted by the bad guys. The little monk fights a variety of people and drinks mothers milk from a bottle to get energy. But the bad guys get his bottle and smash it. Then a willing wet nurse appears and gives him what he needs to beat the bad guys. In Shaolin Popey #I, the little monk would suck on a binkie while fighting. Just cute as hell!
  7. Crop from 1948 Carbro print of Joan Roberts - DDTJRAC Years ago, Perry poo-pooed one of my BW photos I put up here. He said it was only 8 bit and not 16 bit. I was supposed to do some tests to show the difference between 8 bit and 16 bit, but never got around it. Well, I made time today to do it and here are the bit tests for: 8 bit BW JPEG 16 bit BW JPEG 8 bit BW TIFF 16 bit BW TIFF 24 bit color JPEG 48 bit color JPEG 24 bit color TIFF 48 bit color TIFF All 15 collection of tests are here: https://archive.org/search.php?query=bit+depth+teoli If you just want the original scan group with no adjustments, it is here: Bit depth scan tests Part 1 of 14 - original scans D.D.Teoli Jr. : D.D.Teoli Jr. A.C. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive And here is an addendum to show crop magnification of the original scans above. https://archive.org/details/carbro-3-24-bit-color-crop-800-dpi-tiff-os-d.-teoli-jr. But these tests are all for still photos. You will have to test how things are with cine' software. Although still photography and cinematography are brothers and sisters...they are not identical twins. <><><><> Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Small Gauge Film Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Advertising Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. VHS Video Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Audio Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Social Documentary Photography
  8. https://news.artnet.com/art-world/nowhere-announcement-las-underground-museum-said-shutting-notice-2086084 In a surprise announcement, Los Angeles’s beloved alternative art space the Underground Museum has abruptly closed “until further notice.” An exhibition of work by the museum’s late co-founder, Noah Davis, will be removed from view, and the venue’s newly hired co-directors, Meg Onli and Cristina Pacheco, will depart from their roles. Never heard of them. I don't know if they are called 'Underground Museum' because they are subterranean? Or they are about modern art redo's from the Underground Railroad? Or that they fancy themselves as 'underground artists.' If it is the later, anyone with a brick and mortar museum in L.A. of all places with real directors...is not very underground. And if that be the case, I'd say they don't know what f'ing underground is. Here is how I used to work in NYC before I hurt my foot and the virus hit. nsfw Wanna shoot in NYC but don’t have the $. No problem…you can do it on a broke bohemian’s budget. – Daniel D. Teoli Jr. (wordpress.com) When they eat leftover food people leave on McDonalds tables, sleep in the subway and shower at the 'Y' once a week from a free one day pass they download from the libraries' internet...then they can call themselves underground. Underground... GD...I'd love to be underground like them!
  9. Film organization is coming along great. So good in fact, I took half the day off to do a bit depth test that Perry had sponsored years ago. When I say Perry had sponsored it, I mean it stems from Perry's poo-pooing my 8bit BW photography from years ago. I never had the time to do a proper bit test. But on another forum, 2 members told me my tests are worthless. (In another test area.) Then a different forum someone said my sun fading test are useless garbage. So, the combo of the 2 recent 'worthless' critics + the 'useless garbage' critic + Perry's dismissal of 8bit BW photography finally gave me enough oomph to get my ass in gear. I will be posting the exhaustive bit depth results shortly once the 14 collections are uploaded to the I.A.. Getting back to the cine' film organization... I'm about 90% done with the A,B,C's. Once everything is shelved in ABC order, I will label them, then I can start with the computer list. I hope to be done by early April. It is so important to get those tags down with a collection to find stuff. I used to use a paper notebook and you can't do much searching with that. And, as a bonus, a lot of the tags are already done in the title and description. Not like I need to do a lot of extra 'tag' work. The holy trinity of archival work is... 1 High quality scans / photos...don't produce shitty work! 2 Tags...lots of them. 3 Description...a good one. Now...if you use lots of tags repeatedly, make a text file of them for repeat business.
  10. Screenshot: DDTJRAC Full report: An example of cost for a school to rent or buy an educational DVD D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : D.D.Teoli Jr. A.C. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive ...back in the day, 16mm purchases and rental costs were about the same for schools.
  11. Sure, my pleasure. Archival material, or any visual material for that matter, does no good if never seen. Old weddings and cars are fascinating stuff! I got a Kodachrome wedding reel from the 50's / 60's I need to scan. They got some great fashion model type gals in it.
  12. Everyone on the internet is not an expert. My advice...test it out for yourself. My ideas are continually poo-pooed by people. Does not matter to me one bit because I go directly to the bottom line...I test. The only time you want to give more weight to the 'experts' is when you can't test. Then, you are dependent on what others say about a thing. Good luck!
  13. Here is a small one. DataCare 2025 Fireproof LTO / Hard Drive Safe (turtlecase.com) If broke, get a small fire chest safe. Not as good, but much better than nothing. fire chest safe - Google Search I've never used them, but that Turtle company is something. They make LTO Tape shredders and HDD crushers! Also, great storage racks for media.
  14. They got some great bulk lots and singles of Amateur Cine World mags at eBay. (Photos eBay: Fair Use) BUT...they are all in England. Shipping to the USA is stupendous and my broke budget can't afford it. But YOU can make use of it with your cheap local shipping rates. If someone wants to buy collections of them and scan, I will split the cost of the mags with you. You scan at 600 dpi and share scans with me. Hell, if you can negotiate a package deal on the lots cheaper than listed there, I will pay 100% for the mags and you pay for the local shipping. They got some fantastic archival material in England. I see lots of great 16mm films and mags I'd love to buy. Most are pretty cheap...but sadly, the shipping always kills it.
  15. They have a gal at the Data Hoarders Forum that has archived 25,000 chromes with online access. She has done a bang-up job at providing hi-res scans of found chromes for open content CC use. She scans everything, bad exposure, fogged chromes, whatever. But she does not scan naked babies and said so when some kids criticized her for 'privacy and copyright issues' for working with other people's found photos. Well, leave it to the kids to come up with privacy and copyright with found photos. The job of the archivist is mainly to deal with other people's material and some of it was copyrighted at one time or maybe still is. The job of the archivist is to sift out what needs to be archived balanced with copyright. And for the women and for the young people, maybe privacy is a concern. (Although, from what I read, privacy is a big issue in Europe, so it may all depend on which country you are in.) As a candid street photographer for 50+ years and an archivist for many decades, privacy seldom enters my purview. My concern? Is it legal? If legal, I do as I like most of the time. And with copyright, the legal question must be balanced with preservation. This comes under the auspices of the greater good or the greater right. Although if I know something may hurt someone, I will inject some privacy concerns in it, such as I did with 'Hakenkreuz in a Dress.' Or when I put certain photos up at Wiki Commons and they demand commercial use license. I will block out the face, and in the description, I mention the same photo is available at the I.A., with no censorship for non-commercial use. But getting back to these naked babies...what should be done with them? Trashed? Archived as is? Censored with privates blocked out? Her Archive is totally unorganized, so if the naked babies would have been done, they would have been mixed in with everything else. As it stands, if the naked babies were done, they would stand out like a sore thumb as a collection of naked babies! I have a large VHS Archive and some of the home movie found footage may have the family's naked baby in them. I've never thought anything of it. I copy the tapes as-is. I guess if a woman or young person was digitizing them, they would cut out the naked babies.
  16. Yes, lots of ads for building radios / equipment in the early radio magazines. I think that was Radio Shack's main biz in the beginning...selling kits and parts. The risqué cards were a lot rarer than the average cards. I don't know their history, I just know some existed. Maybe they were sent between like minded operators / old acquaintances?
  17. I'm not into HAM radio. I thought about getting into it for emergency commination in a SHTF scenario. But only unlicensed. I'm underground and not much of a license person. Of course, I'm not underground in everything I do, just some things. A big reason I never got into HAM is; it is not conducive to being able to use it by just picking it up to use with no training. It takes some dedication and $$ to be a HAM. Another reason I didn't get into HAM was, in WW2 the gov jammed / outlawed HAM radio due to national security. So, no doubt in a SHTF world, TPTB would shut down all Wi-Fi, cell phones and probably ham radio as well. And to put all that time and $$ into something that would be outlawed is not worth my time or budget. Still, I can have an interest in HAM, radio and early TV without actually being into it. QSL postcards were an early area of interest for me, as they were postcard related, which is a big area of collection for my Archive. In fact, that is how I found out about them...via postcard collecting. The HAM radio operators would send QSL postcards back and forth after they talked on air with each other. Here is the scoop... QSL card - Wikipedia Looks like fun, but I'm not one for chewing the fat much. Too much GD work! Here are a couple from the risqué QSL collection... Here are a couple from the non-risqué collection... Pimpin takes $$ and looks like Rev. Jones has a nice stack on hand... Yes, radio was the big deal back in the day. Too bad my dad or a relative was not into it. I could have picked it up by osmosis! I have a huge audio archive of old radio shows as well as related paper / ephemera. Fascinating time capsule stuff. Although, I still like film best! <><><><> Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Small Gauge Film Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Advertising Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. VHS Video Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Audio Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Social Documentary Photography
  18. My title should have been... Wet gate scanning came from optical printers. As in, optical printers invented or used the process before scanners did.
  19. Do something in post. Never used filters, they really block the light. At least for 850nm BW. I use a converted camera. You can convert a cheap camera, you don't have to spend a fortune. Post a still or clip of what you are after. Words only go so far. If you want those freaky IR colors , they do it by channel swapping in post...or some such thing.
  20. I saw a trailer of a war movie from 2008. Think it was called Defiance. Very blue scenes in the woods. But you saw no whites of the eyes. Don't know how it was in the movie, but that was how the trailer was. And it worked fine, even though very blue.
  21. Thanks Robert. So what is wrong with FF's scanner? Is the optical reader designed wrong?
  22. That is what I mean. Either audio is right or not. They can make a $100 cassette machine play right, or at least they used to. Why not a machine for $45k? Have you talked to FF about it?
  23. Nice photos! My only suggestion is try for more sharpness. Nice otherwise. You may get more action for a job if you advertise at home or at film / art schools. Too bad Sony didn't make their silent shutter work with flash. That was the drawback with infrared flash photography. I could have had a silent camera with invisible flash. Then all you need is skill and boom! But a 'normal person' does not want their flash to work in silent mode....but, I'm not normal! Another interesting project is to get inside artist's studios and document their work / lives. One night I was wondering around and met a guy named Steezus Khrist. (Or some such name.) He was in interesting kid. Said he likes to graffiti railroad cars. I talked with him for about 10 minutes, trying to set up a shoot date. For the full 10 minutes he circled me talking and would not stand still. I offered to do some shooting of his life, but never heard from him. Same deal with a cutter gal I met named 'Buffalo.' Nothing. I also tried to do something with a 'picked face' crack whore for some shooting at her home...Nothing. She just couldn't understand what I wanted. People don't come through nowadays. They already are self-sufficient with their cell phone cams and their $29 inkjet printer from Walmart. Or they are too drugged up. Plus, I'm old. young people like young people...unless they want something from you. Does not matter. I can shoot as much as I like on the street. (Or used to until I hurt my foot.) Good luck in finding some jobs / projects. A photog needs to shoot! If you have downtime and nothing to shoot...shoot your TV! The Godzilla – Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection (wordpress.com) Great exercise for on-the-fly comp and timing. Good luck!
  24. No, have not. Does B&H sell them? If so, buy one and give it a try. Then write a report at your blog on it. If dissatisfied...send it back for a refund. Testing is better than words.
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