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Michael Hammond

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    New Jersey, New York, Lisbon, EU
  • My Gear
    Whatever the project requires.
  • Specialties
    I like dramatic lighting

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  1. I was recently cinematographer for a really interesting project in Lisbon, Portugal supported by the national council for arts. Essentially it's a contemporary mixed-media take on Hamlet that combines filmed content and contemporary dance. The content I filmed with the team will be projected onto two large screens on a stage. Sometimes the screen will show the same scene, but each side a mirror image of the other. Other times the two screen will have different scenes on them, but those scenes are complementary to each other. The director wanted things to feel claustrophobic and to help achieve that we delivered in 3:4 aspect ratio, did a lot of close-ups of the actors, and crammed multiple actors into a very small space for filming. We also want the audience to feel part of the piece, so often the actors break the 4th wall. Lighting Because the content on screens are Hamlet's memories (murder, madness, betrayal) we also wanted drama, and we needed things outside the scene to drop off into blackness. I proposed a bunch of uplighting and (severe) side light to provide that "ominous" feel, and often used one key light alone with enough light to basically drop the backgrounds into darkness. Top light was used from time to time in scenes where the dialogue was less dramatic. And when actors moved, they moved from one key light to another, passing through darkness in between the lights.
  2. Hi everyone, Does anyone know of forum boards similar to this one that are geared more towards directors and producers? As a cinematographer I'm looking for online avenues for connecting with people in those positions. I've done some searching and have mostly come up with Reddit subreddits but they don't seem to be for more serious or more professional personas. TIA
  3. Just saw this film over the weekend and wasn't sure what to expect to be honest. I just knew there was some buzz about the story line and some set design. I was pleasantly surprised and really liked this one. It's kind of a coming-of-age tale but told differently - in a strange parallel world type of setting. Set and art design were creative, the characters were fun and interesting. And the cinematography was different enough to be different without being over-the-top. I think it was used to good effect with fish-eye and wide shots (4mm I've read) being used to tell you how someone was feeling, or that something was about to happen, zooms (digitally done I think) combined with push-ins for a nice effect, etc. B&W mixed with color to set tones and times. From IndieWire - "The cinematographer (Robbie Ryan) sometimes would put a 16mm lens on the 35mm camera which created a vignette effect reminiscent of the dark borders surrounding early photography prints." And "another distinctive lens was a Petzval lens, which are rehoused projector lenses from the early 20th century that create a beautiful portrait look while still having some wide-angle wildness to it." Fun movie with some fun cinematography. Definitely recommend this one.
  4. Exactly. It takes a while to realize this I think. I tend to over-complicate things to make sure it's all perfect at times too. But a lot of cinematography is tricks of light anyway. So if I feel I need something (like an eyelight that has no motivation) I'll add one regardless of where the light in the scene is supposed to be coming. As long as it doesn't look completely absurd.
  5. You might want to put some hidden AirTags in your more expensive stuff. When I travel anywhere I do this just to be sure. Because, you know. Thankfully I haven't needed to use them yet.
  6. I find Godox products to be a good budget-friendly alternative to some of the “bigger” names. From my experience their color science has really come a long way and can stand up to the competition. In terms of build, like a lot of things nowadays with plastic bits you need to be careful. But I’ve never personally had a problem with them. Part of my current go-anywhere kit includes 2x Godox SL300. Also consider some GVM RGB panels. Cheaper build quality, but they’re good lights for filling in colors and shadows at a pretty reasonable cost.
  7. All I can say is what I've seen from experience, and that experience tells me the light meter I use is always right with LEDs. I haven't run tests but my footage and my false color in editing says it's all good.
  8. Hi everyone - would love to connect with any filmmakers in Portugal as I'll be living there for a while in 2022. If anyone wants to meet up to chat and connect let me know. Thanks!
  9. Hi Hanes thx for the suggestion. The issue I’m finding with the products I’m trying is that they’re inherently jiggly due to the construction no matter the kind of camera or weight I use. And they’re also poorly built in a way that as I rotate/pan/crane up and down they go out of level regardless of how level the tripod head is. How do you find the ProAim to be in these situations?
  10. Thanks everyone for the suggestions! That intel-a-jib is pretty far out of my budget zone but I make take a closer look at the Seven. I do wish all these companies had better video examples of shots taken with their gear. I find the available examples pretty lacking in professionalism and info. But I've ordered a couple of lower cost jibs to try out...and most likely return. My gut and brain is telling me the ones I've ordered are just not anywhere near good enough. If and when I send them both back I'll dive into the Seven and see about that.
  11. Hi there, I want to buy a jib to upscale my productions. I'm in that spot where I don't want to spend thousands, but I also don't need a top line, ultra-professional piece of gear that I'm going to go into debt for. If I ever need something like that I'll rent. For now, I want something I can set up as a solo shooter or maybe with an assistant. My main "asks" are these: Under $1000 Something I can set up as a solo shooter or maybe with an assistant Doesn't shake or shimmy as it moves (a lot of review videos I watch leave me a little underwhelmed in the stabilization of the shots) Weight capacity of 12lbs or less Does anyone have any experience with a brand that they've use to good effect? I'm looking at CobraCrane for now because it gets good ratings on B&H. Maybe the right jib doesn't exist in my price point? Any input would be very appreciated. Thanks!
  12. There's a lot of talk in this thread about technical expertise (or the lack of it) in this new democratized world. How about interpersonal expertise? One of the most important things a great DP needs to know how to do is communicate, interpret and strategize with a director or producer, think quickly on their feet. I wonder what thoughts people have around those things?
  13. My wife is always asking me to film our trips - photos, video, gimbal, drone stuff. Just seems like work when all I want to do is relax, not what I do the rest of the year as a job.
  14. I hear you. After the experimentation phase it does feel like you’re just shooting more of the same. I feel like if I take a (video)camera out of the house it needs to be for something ‘real’ whether it’s a passion project or a job. That being said, with COVID slowing things down I can start getting a little stir crazy. Trains give me something enjoyable to film. Gets me out of the house to somewhere quiet and/or private, and there’s even the thrill of getting it right in one shot since I can’t call “reset” and back a freight train up to a mark. Then there’s hoping to nail it before a cloud comes along. And trying to make each train scene unique in framing and movement.
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