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Robert Glenn

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Everything posted by Robert Glenn

  1. I need just a short length of 15mm diameter rod if anybody's got a cut piece around. 4 inches long would be all that I need. Thanks
  2. hard to say really..... the lens would probably distort the image since it's so close.. i'm sure you could devise some way to make it work though
  3. thanks stephen. By the way.. what filters do you use the most?
  4. How do you do a registration test? Shoot some type of grid with a spool, rewind, and shoot it again? ah nevermind, found an older post on the forum by searching :rolleyes:
  5. so an 85 filter is too orangy to use even for tungsten film outdoors?
  6. The shutter i think rotates at 12fps at 24fps, which makes the 75 degree spaces in the shutter a 150 degree shutter angle. Making a right angle out of the shutter is doable I guess, but you dont want to make the shutter uneven with like a side bent up or down or whatever.
  7. thanks again guys..... I'm trying to make a dual rod support for my NPR and my mattebox has no horizontal or vertical adjust, so precision is important! A 1.1mm offset should get everything centered pefect I think.
  8. sorry i meant regular 16mm to super16mm
  9. It's a basic question, but the conversion of regular 16mm to 35mm mountwise just means recentering the mount 1mm to the left, or is it the right? This is if you're behind the camera. Also is it exactly 1mm? Thanks
  10. I want to get a prime lens under 10mm, but would like to know how the 8mm compares to the 9.5mm. Are there any arguments against going too wide? Most of my shooting would be indoors, but a little outdoor shooting as well. Thanks
  11. yeah why do it yourself when you have no experience with filing? I am not doing mine; i'm having a machinist do it for me. Sometimes it's better to not be cheap, as you already found out once. But if then again it might be an easy job.. i dont know
  12. Richard, If you dont mind- what lenses do you use on it?
  13. buying a good lens might help. Film stocks seem to be formulated for 35mm blowup and HD transfers today, so good equipment should maximize the results
  14. Well images speak louder than words so check out this music video shot with a k3 (they used a windup and a TCS motored), and a XL2. The shots of the band playing i think are mostly film and some bits with the father walking around are video. I think it looks pretty darn good. http://www.extremesoundonline.com/video/bsl/tilldecember.wmv here's one of the cameras that they used http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=7540548522
  15. is there any way to get additional NPR lens mount turrets?
  16. sorry but what is a critical focusing system?
  17. HMMMMMMMM ........ I wish there was a 2k scan to compare the telecine to. Any chance of showing a video clip? Thanks anyway!
  18. did you and ashley manage to post corrected and hi-res stills? Definitely want to see how it looks!
  19. I went through this delima about a month ago. I ended up getting an oconnor 50D head and 25L carbon fiber legs. I think the only manfrotto head that would suffice for an NPR would be the 3274. That 116 head in the ebay listing that you mentioned might break with an NPR! An Oconnor 50 is rated for 50 pounds, and has counterbalance springs, which is a must with an NPR. Just keep an eye on ebay auctions... Just don't get one with the 'pro junior base' which is the really wide base!
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