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Everything posted by Steppenwolf

  1. Hello. Here I've found your request. Visit CraigCamera website at: http://www.craigcamera.com/ib_a.htm There you'll find the list of manuals, including the one you're looking for: #ARG-175a Instruction Manual Argus/Cosina 708 S8 Movie Camera (Reprint) $15.00 Hope this will do. Jonathan.
  2. I have never tested this lab, but for black and white Super8 films, I always recommend the Black & White Film Factory, in Toronto, Canada. Great quality, reliable and fast service at reasonable prices. Check their website and try this service: http://www.blackandwhitefilmfactory.com
  3. Hello, Johnny. You can get some details in this B&H movie cameras related web-site. The 3rd camera on the list: B&H Model 134 8mm. Hope this might help you a little. Cheers, Johnny.
  4. Hello. I use to purchase projectors drive belts using ebay, but i was looking for a spare drive belt for my Eumig R2000 Instaprojection, but couldn't find it listed anywhere. Does anyone know about similar motor drive belts? is the Eumig HQS RS3000 projector drive belt the same size? Will be glad to find the answer. Have a great weekend. Jonathan.
  5. Hello, The type of lamp you're looking for is: EFP lamp 12v 100w (also known as: Xenophot 64627 HLX, and: EFP A1/231) I recommend the OSRAM ones (for longer life). It is one of the easiest type of lamps to find and replace. Even by looking in the ebay, you'll find a good bargain for even two lamps or more, in case of a burst lamp. Good luck. Jonathan, Hippies Films & Records.
  6. Hello, I think that here you've got what you're looking for: http://www.oldtimercameras.com/stock/Model.asp?Model=4082&ModelPage=true Hope it helps. Jonathan.
  7. As a completely rookie, i've also started testing different types of Super8 cameras, with B&W reversal films and i must say that i'm really excited of the results. Off course sometimes, you do things wrong, but this is also good, in order to know your camera very well. For videoclips and artistic piece of work this gadget is just great. Sometimes, even if you have bad results or weird visuals it is great for the final films as well for artistic spirit. Test your camera and enjoy it, you will not regret. Jonathan.
  8. Hello, Bobolex I have found the website links to these weird-so-called engineers who made psychadelic experiments with this gadget. It was pretty funny as much as i recall. I use this machine for projecting live on rockn'roll bands while they're playing on stage. I have four cartridges, that contains unimportant visual information. I call this thing: Powepoint of the '70's. What you project, is not a movie, but a slide show of different picture every frame. It is pretty short. I have opened the cartridges and found out, that there's nothing inside, except for the film. No wheels, no nothing. Just a film rolled. It is so primitive, but amazing though. The picture projected is great, and it works so smooth and fast. This is amazing, and the sound sounds very vivd, but really unimportant. I tried my best to find something that works with these cartridges, from other companies. There's nothing. I don't even think the company or the inventor do remember they produced this machine. There's another item like this sold now on Ebay Auction. The seller knows nothing, probably like I me. All i know that it was produced by La Belle, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin (The same like web-lala-land). Thanks for sharing the piece of information though. Cheers, Jonathan.
  9. Thanks a million for the information. Therefore, I'll stick to my film-noir type of films. Cheers, Jonathan. Thanks a million for the information. I'll stick then to my film-noir type of films. Cheers, Jonathan.
  10. Hello, Can this Super8 Reversal Film be used in every Super8 Camera or only in specific types? Can this film be used in a Bauer S105 camera. Appreciate your advice. Jonathan.
  11. Hello, Did anyone ever see or use a La Belle Commpak DUO 16 Sound 8 Machine. It uses a Duo 16mm film cartridge with a seperate magnetic sound, Audio8. I wonder whether someone has more information or details concerning this gadget. Thanks, Jonathan.
  12. Thanks a miilion for your advices. When I use my Super8 camera, I film only with BW Reversals. I was tempted to use one of my old Colour Films, without a second thought. This is probably learning the hard way. I'm having a collection of unused old packed Kodachrome II and Ektachrome 160 etc., but this will stay as a collection only. This Agfa Moviechrome 40 was found in a flea market in Tel-Aviv (in a small funny suitcase). Nobody knew what it was , so i got it almost for free. Thanks again, Jonathan.
  13. I just came back from a short visit to London. I took with me my Bauer S105, and bought two BW X-Plus Reversal 2765 in the Widescreen Centre, in Dorset Street. The price was pretty high (alsmost thought of selling one of my kidneys for a discount). But when I came back I realized that this things can be bought much cheaper in the US and Canada (Shipment rates are not high at all) and it is still cheaper than buying it in the UK. I've found two Labs, one in Canada and one in the US. I'm waiting for the films to be processed. If the results will be good, i'll think of starting making my Experimentals films on Super8. No competitors around here, except for the HDV freaks. All things that i try or find are based on Internet websearches and reading articles (new and old). The Auto-Didactive DIY - method. I wish using a different language was a problem. But this is pretty simple. Finding the Super8 freaks is harder. At least from my point of view. I still haven't started thinking of devoloping the films by myself. I don't think I have yet the ability to do so. These things need to be seen visually, and not by written or printed articles and pictures. I don't mind even to visit one of these labs or a private film processor abroad to study this issue. Thanks for the information. Even though I had this link. Everyday i found a new interesting one. I'm happy to find this world, and really want to combine it with my regular artistic work.
  14. Well, I'm searching for many gadgets around. I'll try my best to relocate you one of these. Who knows. Maybe one will pop up. Jonathan. www.hippies.us.tp
  15. Hello, I think i have found a link, sepecially for your need, at the www.motionpicturresrentals.com : They sell Canon C-8 Telephoto Adapter for 1014XLS (1.4) for $225. If the site is information is accurate... the link: http://www.motionpicturerentals.com/Sales/Super8Sales.html good luck. Jonathan.
  16. Hello, Do you think that processing an old film of AGFA Moviechrome 40, from the mid-'70's, worth the try (money and time)? I found out that this film can be processed in the Film Rescue International, in SK, Canada. Did anyone ever tried to process this vintage film succesfuly? Jonathan.
  17. Hello, Andy. I must be honest. I'm pretty rookie in this field. I know so little about the processing of these cartridges. Therefore I send them away, across the ocean, in order to get them developed. Here in Israel, It's pretty hard to find stuff. What I do find, is the Cameras and the Projectors, but no labs, no assistance and no information at all. I have found lots of helpful sights for this issue, and offcourse this Forum. When my film will return processed i'll put the results in my website for you to view. Jonathan. Thanks, John, for the links. Cheers, Jonathan.
  18. Hello, First of all i'm really new in this forum, and i'm quite happy that i've found this one. I am working as an independent in the video filming industry, but in the last few months i've decided to make some Super 8mm film productions, most of them where for myself and later decided to use them for different artistic purposes. I'm using a Bauer S105 super8mm camera. I filmed on Kodak Plus X-Reversal films, and also on other old stocks, and now i need to process it. The problem is that in my country, Israel, i think i'm the only freak to do it. No motion film labs left, no motion film products, nothing. Everything I order from US, or by ebay auctions. I really want to develop those films. I have contacted few Super 8mm processing labs, but it is hard to choose. I can't visit the places, everything is done by mail or by phone. Does anyone have some good tips and advices. What places to choose, which are the most reliable, and also do not rip me off with extravagance shipment fees. I wouldn't be more happy to see this film processed already. I fell in love with this Super8mm filming. I hope i didn't wake up to late for this. Thanks, Jonathan.
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