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  1. Braun Nizo 801 in good shape film tested light meter is working (see pictures), comes with batteries and aluminum case. Camera is located in Switzerland asking 750$, shipping and taxes are not included.
  2. Hello everyone, First time posting on the forum. Thank you all for taking the time to read this. I've been experimenting and testing various standard 8mm cameras for the past 2+ years now. I recently acquired a Bolex B8 equipped with 2 lenses. One of these lenses has the Visifocus depth of field scale. I'm having a hard time understanding how to shoot these types of lenses because up until now all of my other cameras have had fixed focus lenses. I've come to realize I still have lots to learn on how to shoot and focus successfully with analogue motion picture cameras, especially with subjects moving towards the camera. I use a lightmeter app on my phone to calculate the proper exposure depending on the shooting speed and this has greatly improved my results over the years. My question is, if I'm shooting at 24 fps and the lightmeter app says i need an F-Stop of 2.8, but the Visifocus reading indicates the 'zone of sharp focus' is under 7 feet at 2.8, how am I going to focus on a subject that is 20 feet away? If i adjust the Visifocus dial on the lens to F22, zone of focus says 4-30 feet, then wouldn't the scene be under exposed? I give this example because thats exactly what happened to my footage. All of the scenes I shot with the 36mm lens at 2.8 are extremely out of focus but the exposure is correct. All the footage i shot with the other lens on the B8 looks ok. That lens is the Yvar 12.5mm f/2.5 fixed focus lens. Any tips on how to shoot and expose correctly with these lenses would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Chris
  3. Last time I posted about choosing a regular8 camera, I received such great help, so I'm hoping you all will feel inclined to help me once more. Having boiled down the list of regular8 cameras that I am seeking to a just a few models, I've been searching far and wide on the internet in order to purchase them. The cameras that I am seeking are: 1. Canon Cine Zoom 512 2. Beaulieu MR8 Reflex control (w Gossen light meter) 3. Agfa Movex Reflex Unfortunately, these are all so hard to find! The ones that I have found and purchased all have problems. They need repairs and/or servicing. Problem is, I don't know who can repair and/or service these cameras. Bjorn Andersson says he cannot and will not service Beaulieu regular 8mm cameras. I'm aware of Bernie O'Doherty, in fact he is doing a basic service on a Beaulieu MAR8G that I sent to him, but I'm wondering if there are other options out there. I would be willing to consider paying possibly substantially more than these cameras are worth in order to have perfectly running versions, especially considering the money that I am spending on the duds that I am finding on eBay. So my questions are threefold. First, what are your preferred sources for purchasing regular8 cameras? I am aware of Catawiki, obviously eBay, and Etsy. Do you know of any shops that specialize in 8mm cine cameras that sell tested, functioning cameras? Second, do any of you have any of the cameras that I have listed above, that are clean, tested, and functioning, and you would be willing to sell to me? I am getting desperate! Do any of you have personal shops with various 8mm cameras for sale? Last, who can service these cameras, dependably? Do any of you do servicing? I would guess that there are repair and service businesses/individuals in the LA area, but I have not had any luck in finding them. Do you know of any there? It does not seem impossible to find repair/service for super-8 or 16mm, but it does seem impossible to find it for regular8! Help! I am running some very interesting, striking, film experiments and I will be very excited to share them with all of you, but to really do my thing I need better cameras! Please help me! And thank you! Erren
  4. Hi, I am selling 3 Beaulieu Cameras. 1.) Beaulieu R8 reflex control - seems like ist fully functional! - what you see is what you get! 2.) Beaulieu 4008 S - Battery Pack is included, but it needs new cells - no charger included - what you see is what you get! 3.) Beaulieu 4008 ZM2 - Battery Pack is included, but it needs new cells - no charger included -what you see is what you get! I am trying to sell these for a good price. My Uncle died and my aunt gave these cameras to me. i would love to sell them so she can use the money for a last flight from Germany in the states to visit her sister. I do not really know how much these vintage cams should cost.. i just know, that my uncle made great films using them and i´m pretty sure they are working. I don´t do films, I´m just into Photography. Please contact me with your offer. I would ship with dhl from Germany!
  5. Have a closer look at technology transfer and, please, do excuse me for my insulting English. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jsI-UjShWofsdtvhf1DRUn23LH2nxfgX/view?usp=sharing
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